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Jisoo's POV

"What do you want to order?" Jennie asked as we went inside McDonalds.


"Oh shut up. If you want stop bothering me with your 'I like girls' aura, imma gonna leave you here." Then Jennie rolled her eyes which I found cute.

"What did I say wrong?" I grinned, teasing her more.

"One more word, Kim Jisoo, and you'll be sleeping outside the house." I immediately shut up after she said that.

"Ohmygosh, you really did shut up. I found myself a new dog." She smirked, patting my head.

I growled and barked, making others turn their heads towards us. "You are embarrassing me. Your 3Dness or 4Dness needs to stop."

"I'll stop if you'll be my girl."

"That's it." She said, snapping her fingers. "Go back to the car, Miss Kim Jisoo."

I rolled my eyes but before stepping out of the building, I gave her a quick kiss in the cheek. How you like that?  I stepped out of the building with a big smile on my face.


I entered the house with Jennie being grumpy as always. She likes the kiss! Right? Tell me I'm right. She doesn't realize it yet.

Kuma greeted us by barking. I miss Dalgom. If only Dalgom was here, he would bite Kuma for stealing my girl's attention. Hmph!

"If only Kuma can kill people, you will be his first victim." Jennie growled, giving me a death glare.

I shrugged. "Too bad he can't so I'm safe babe." And I gave her a wink. She felt disgusted right away.

"Switch on the TV. We are gonna watch while eating. But please, sit on the other sofa." She walked away with her frowned face. Awww, she still looks cute even though she's like that. And soon, she will be mine.

I went to the living room and turned on the tv. I sat down the sofa, taking off my shoes. And guess what, 50 shades of grey is playing. Where is the damn remote?!

"What the hell are you watching Kim Jisoo?! Is it yadong(porn)?! I can hear the moans from here." Jennie asked out load.

"NO! IT'S 50 SHADES AND I CAN'T FIND THE REMOTE!" Jennie walked in with our food. She placed the food at the center table and search for the remote.

I did the same. "GOD, SOMEONE STOP THE MOANS!" I screamed.

"This is so awkward and disgusting." I heard Jennie whisper. I looked at her and I see her blushing. She's so red from embarrassment.

Then the door bell rang. "Who could that be?"

"Oh please, tell me it's not Park Chaeyoung. She's too inocent for this." Jennie said, running towards the door while I'm stuck here, finding the stupid remote.

Jennie came back with Vernon. Ughhh! He's everywhere! Is he a mushroom?! The awkwardness was doubled because he's here and plus the TV.

"Why are you girls watching that?" Vernon asked, holding out his laughter.

"If you feel horny, you can always come to me babe." I heard Vernon said to Jennie.

I immediately went to get a pillow and threw it at his face. I walked towards them and held Jennie's waist and pulled her close to me which felt right and wrong at the same time. I can feel her heart beat but I can also feel her breasts! I felt her breathe on my neck which gave me a goosebumps.

"What the fuck! I was only joking! What's wrong with you?!" Vernon said, anger was shown throughout his face.

"What's wrong with me?! Ask yourself that! If you're gonna walk in with that dick head of yours, go find yourself another girl to fuck because Jennie is too precious to be with a guy like you!"

"You wanna fight?! 'Cause it's on! I don't care if you're a girl!" Vernon said, pulling my collar on the process.

"Stop it, Vernon! Get out!" Jennie said as she stepped in.

"Which side are you on?!"

"In this situation, I'm with Jisoo so get out! NOW!" After Jennie shouted that, Vernon angrily walked out of the house.

I was about to say thank you to Jennie but she ran upstairs and locked herself in her room.

I ran my fingers through my hair, frustrated. "This was a very long day."


Yeyy an update! 😂 I'm sorry guys for being inactive for months. The good news is our summer vacation already started so I might update every week. "Might"

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