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Jennie's POV

"How are you?" Namjoo asked as I sat down beside her. I gave her a thumbs up so that she would know that I'm okay.

Our professor came in after and of course, discussion. This is making me sleepy. How boring is this or what?

My phone buzzed from my pocket and I took it out without the professor looking. I am such a ninja.

Kim Jisoo: I'm bored 😪

Jennie Kim: Same.

Kim Jisoo: wanna do soc?

My brows furrowed. What does she mean?

Jennie Kim: soc?

Kim Jisoo: sex on chat 👅 letzzz do it.

This girl... aish! I mentally facepalmed myself. Is she always that horny?

Jennie Kim: I blocc u

Kim Jisoo: No, Jen! I'm sorry. I was just joking :((( don't please.

Jennie Kim: I'll forgive you if you shout in your class "TROLL IN THE DUNGEON!" 😏

She stopped replying so my eyes went back to the white board. I checked my phone again when the professor looked away.

Jennie Kim: I'll forgive you if you shout in your class "TROLL IN THE DUNGEON!" 😏
seen 2:03

I rolled my eyes and smiled. Looks like I won this round. In your face, Kim Jisoo! Ha!

"Why are you rolling your eyes?" Namjoo whispered at me while taking down notes.

"I was chatting Jisoo earlier." I whispered back, copying also her notes from three days ago. And let me just say, I was absent for three days! Three fucking days and her notes are like for the whole month! Whole month! Is she really that hardworking or is this only for display?

"So you're pissed coz she didn't reply back?" She looked up, meeting my gaze. She has that mischievous smile on her face. I want to wipe her smile off her face.

"No, I'm not. Why would I be pissed? She's not my girlfriend. I am straight,you know." I scoffed, leaning back on my chair and stared back at the white board, pretending that I'm listening even though I am not.

"Last time I checked, you said that she's not your friend and now, you're all closy, touchy, friendly to her." Namjoo chuckled like she knows something will happen soon that I don't know.

I nudged her. "Shut up." Instead of shutting up, she chuckled more.

"The two Ms. Kim up there, are you two listening?" Our professor asked the both of us and we both said yes. I almost went to detention. Almost.

After minutes of pretending to listen to my professor, my phone buzzed again. It's Jisoo unnie.

Kim Jisoo sent a video.

I took out my headphone from my bag and swiftly put it to my ears and plugged it to my phone. This gotta be worth it.

•○● In the video ●○•

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