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Jennie's POV

"How's your sprain unnie?" Rosie asked me, looking down at my feet.

"It's getting better, I think." I said, twisting my ankle a little.

"You fell quite a height you know. Good thing you didn't break your back." Lisa said, tapping my back. I didn't fell. Some bitch let go of me.

"Lucky me." I said, mocking my tone. I hope Irene fell into a pit or something.

The three of us started walking to our classroom and of course, every heads turned to face us. I mean, who wouldn't? We are so damn hot.

From the corner of my eyes, something caught my attention. It's Jisoo... with Irene. Irene pulled Jisoo in the girl's bathroom. Jisoo looks annoyed. What is that about? And she knows that bitch? The hell?

"Jennie unnie!" Rosie pulled me to stop me from walking. I turned around to face the maknaes with a frown in my face.

"What?" I asked, slightly annoyed.

Lisa pointed the other direction from where I was walking to. "That's the way to your classroom. That way is Jisoo unnie's classroom."

I mentally face palmed myself. Stupid me. Why am I going in that direction? For fuck's sake. I don't know what's going on with myself lately.

I said thanks to the two and started walking in the opposite direction from where I was going to.

I was walking with my head held down because I am looking at my schedule before I know it, I stumbled across someone dropping my notebooks and my schedule.

I looked up and I was met by this brown eyes with a beautiful eyelashes. I closed my eyes for a second when I realized it was Jisoo.

"Uhm hey." She said, starting a conversation with me. I just ignored her because I am in no mood to talk and I am late. I am fucking late.

I started picking up all my things one by one. I can still feel the gaze of Jisoo on me. I hate it when she stares at me straight. It makes me feel conscious.

"I'm sorry for bumping into you, Jen." When I was done picking up my things, I looked at her and saw her rubbing her neck because of nervousness.

I didn't answer her. Instead I walked passed her without even saying a word at her. I am not a cold hearted bitch. Even though we are not in good terms together, I woule still at least say hi to her because we live in the same roof.

It's just that... I saw a fucking lipstick stain on her blouse, a hickey on her neck and her lips are swollen. Such a fucking flirt.

I didn't want to have a grand entrance on my first period so I decided to skip it. I went to the clinic and acted sick.

"Why am I not surprised?" The grandma nurse said when I started acting sick. She knows that I'm not sick but she still let me in. She's so very kind and I love this grandma nurse. She's Mrs. Oh but I love to call her Grandma Nurse. I know, I'm weird.

She knows that behind this bitchy attitude is a child. In other words, she knows that I'm a tsundere. Aside from my five friends here in the school, I can count on this nurse for my problems. She's like a grandma best friend. She knows a lot of my secrets, too. For example, she knows that I'm the one who stole Mr. Kang's wig on the 5th grade and she didn't tell it to anyone. I love this grandma.

"Go on and rest. I'll tell your first period teacher that you're sick, dear." Grandma nurse said, giving me a lollipop. I took it happily and gave grandma a kiss in the cheek which made her happy.

I put my lollipop in my bag and put my bag on the floor. I slowly laid in the bed and closed my eyes because of stress.

So many things happened in a week and I am tired. So tired.

So after minutes of closing my eyes, I didn't notice that I fell asleep.


I woke up with the smell of lavender in my nose. I slowly opened my eyes, adjusting it with all the lights. How long have I been asleep? It felt like hours. I must have skipped my 2nd and 3rd period. Great.

I slowly pulled my hands under the pillow to stretch it but I can't pull it. That's odd.

I opened my eyes, adjusting my vision. I lifted up my hands and saw a hands holding my hands. I looked beside me and saw Jisoo sitting in a chair with her head resting in the side of the bed while holding my hands.

What is she doing her?

For fuck's sake, I'm too tired to handle her right now. I am tired of her flirting with me all the time! Like literally all the time! In the house, even in the bathroom! In the hallways, gym, classroom and now, the clinic! Just great.

"Oh, you're awake Jen." Grandma nurse said, giving me a cup of water. I pulled my hands hard away from Jisoo's hands, making her wake up. I took the cup with a smile on my face. I muttered a thank you and quickly looked at Jisoo who is staring at me, again. I know that I'm beautiful so I can't blame her for looking at me but this is too much!

"You smiled." She said, scratching her eyes.

I frowned and drank my water. "Yeah? So what?"

"It wasn't a fake one. I love it." She said, giving me a warm smile.

"You should smile more like that." She added and started playing with my hair. I immediately slapped her hands away.

"Oh I would but not with you around." I said, putting the cup on the bedside table.

"What is wrong with you? Yesterday we were just fine." She started playing with her blouse, rubbing the fabric.

"That was yesterday. It's all in the past. Move on." I moved on the farside of the bed to get my bag on the floor and took the phone from my bag.

Great, it's 11:17. I skipped from 1st period to 4th. Ughhhh. "Grandma,why didn't you wake me up?" I started pouting and face palming myself. I am gonna borrow notes from Namjoo and this is a first.

"You were sleeping soundly, dear. Dw, I've got it handle." Grandma said, getting another candy from her jar and eating it.

"Dw?" I frowned, asking her.

"Don't worry. What are you? 90 year old?" Then grandma started dabbing. Geez this old lady. She is more updated than I am.

"I'm still here you know." Jisoo continued annoying me. I am really gonna choke her. SOMEONE. FUCKING. STOP ME.

"Again, Jennie Kim. What is wrong with you?" Jisoo asked again, reaching out for my hands but I immediately backed away.

"For the fucking 100th time, stop flirting with me! I am not one of your toys! You thought Mom didn't tell me, did you? I know that you're a goddamn player so please! Just please, play with anyone's feelings but mine." I couldn't stop myself. I exploded. And I know that later on, I am gonna regret every word I said to her again.

I picked up my bag and started walking off but before I could reached the door, I stopped. I turned around to face her and saw her shocked face.

"By the way, say hi for Irene for me because you two are close. Very close." When I saw her broken expression, I smirked and started walking off. She looks quite broken when I mentioned Irene but who cares? She thinks of me as a toy anyway.

Maybe you're just misunderstanding things. You saw Jisoo's annoyed face when Irene pulled her into the bathroom. The lipstick stains and the hickey said otherwise.

She thinks she can have anything she wants, she thought wrong because Jennie Kim doen't belong to anyone but herself.

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