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Jennie's POV

Today, I am nervous and I can't control it. Me, Jennie Kim, is nervous. My mom and Jisoo's mom are here in Korea. They just got here yesterday and the mother of Jisoo wants to meet me. My mom and Jisoo's mom are currently staying at a hotel because they have a business to attend to. The trip is only for five days.

My mom wants me to go to their hotel with Jisoo and she told me to dress nicely. It's gonna be fine, right? I mean, what could possibly go wrong? I won't trip and embarrassed myself like most of the protagonist in romcom movies always do, right?

A knock suddenly came to my door. "Jennie, you done?" Jisoo's voice met my ears then suddenly, my nervousness went away. Well... That was weird.

I walked towards the door and opened it, revealing me Kim Jisoo with a light make-up on her face. She is wearing a red dress that's above the knee. The dress is too short for my liking but it fits her really good. Jisoo is wearing also a red flats so I'm starting to think that I should change into flats too. My heels are killing me. It shouldn't be called "Heels", it should be "Hells." Don't you think?

Jisoo's eyes travelled from my face to my heels then she smiled so wide that I started to think that her face will rip

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Jisoo's eyes travelled from my face to my heels then she smiled so wide that I started to think that her face will rip. "You look lovely." She said then she bit her lip.

"Thanks. You too." I said as I stepped backward and went to get my purse in my bed. I'm wearing an off shoulder dress that is black. My heels are also black and beautiful. My heels are beautiful but if you wear it, you'll have second thoughts. Don't let it's appearance fool you. It hurts like hell.

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(Jennie's heels)

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(Jennie's heels)

As I walked out of my bedroom, Jisoo linked her arm to mine and we started walking down towards the garage.

We went out of the house then I sighed. "Are you nervous?" Jisoo asked me as I locked the house. Who wouldn't be?

I turned to face her and gave her a small smile. "A little." I admitted then she smiled brightly.

"Don't be. My mother will love you." She said then gave me a quick kiss on my lips. I'm so nervous as heck and she's not. Of course, she already met my mother and that is so unfair.

"How would you know?" I asked as we went in the car. "Because I know." She said. That doesn't even make sense!

I started the engine and drove off. Jisoo became my map and she tells me where to turn because I don't know the direction of the hotel. I don't trust GPS guys. The last time I used that was back on my cousin's wedding. It brought me to the wrong church.

"Right there." Jisoo pointed at a looking fancy hotel. A clerk was just in front of the hotel, waiting for customers to arrive.

I parked the car in front and stopped the engine. We both got out of the car and I handed the keys to the clerk so he can park it.

Jisoo started walking away but I'm just standing here, looking up the hotel; waiting for a miracle to happen. I think I went numb. I'm so nervous that I can't even put my foot in front of the other. I wanna go back to my house. My mind keeps saying, "initiate retreat" but my heart says, "go for it girl!"

Jisoo noticed that I wasn't following her so she went back. "You okay, love?" Jisoo asked, full of softness on her voice.

She held my hand and squeezed it. "Relax. It's gonna be fine." Then she kissed my cheek which sent sparks all over my body. It was only a kiss in the cheek and yet, it got me excited.

My nervousness again faded like it did earlier. Jisoo started walking with my hand on her hand so I did the same.

As we entered the hotel's restaurant, I spotted my mom quickly and that made me smile. It's been a year since I last saw her.

In front of my mom is a middle aged woman that looks like Jisoo. She looks pretty. That must be her mom. Even though Jisoo's mom or may I say, Mrs. Kim, have some wrinkles on her face, it didn't change the fact that she is still beautiful. Old but classy.

My nervousness went back in my body again and I started breathing fast, like the air is running out. I started to fan myself using my hand because the room was getting hotter every minute or is it just my imagination?

Suddenly, I felt warm breath against my ear. "You're gonna be fine because I'm here, love." Jisoo whispered. I felt goosebumps rise all over my body, making my heart quicken it's beat. The effect you have in me, Kim Jisoo.

Jisoo guided me to the table like a boy guiding a girl to prom. Jisoo had that bright smile plastered on her face. When we got there, Jisoo's mom turned her head to look at us. When our eyes met, I felt my heart jumped out of my chest. This is it pancit. I learned that phrase from Jisoo not so long ago.

Jisoo let go of my hand then she went to my seat and pulled it. I walked towards my seat then Jisoo pushed my chair towards me then I sat. Such a gentlewoman? Gentlelady? You know what, nevermind.

"So you must be Jennie Kim. My daughter talks a lot about you whenever I call her." Jisoo's mom started the conversation. She talks a lot about me? What?

While Jisoo called the waiter for us, Jisoo's mom continued talking, "She tells a lot of interesting stories too." My mouth formed into an awkward smile but I hope that they didn't notice it. What kind of stories?! I wasn't prepared for this!

"Do me a favor, sweetie." Jisoo's mom said with sparkles on her eyes. "Don't break her heart." She added, making my mom chuckle and Jisoo cough.

My smile turned from an awkward to a genuine one. "I won't, Mrs. Kim." I assured her. Jisoo turned to face me, her eyes widen from shock. I hope I won't.

"You heard her, she won't." My mom backed me up which made me smile more. Both of our moms are smiling to each other widely like they know something we don't. I feel like we've been set up. Like an arrange marriage or something.

The waiter came back with four menus on his hand. The waiter started putting the menus in front of each of us while Jisoo and I didn't break eye contact like we're searching for each other's answers in our eyes. Jisoo smiled at me and I did the same. I really hope that I won't break her heart.

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