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Jisoo's POV

I don't get Jennie most often. Sometimes she's sweet and caring and the next thing you know, she turned into an evil spawn. She's mean most of the times but I can't help myself falling for her. I just want her you know.

Scratch that, I need her.

I mean like right now, we were okay yesterday and now, she's all Irene that and Irene this. Come on, what did Irene do to make our relationship turn into a zigzag? My relationship with Jennie is like a wavy line but now, it's a zigzag and I don't know how to make it straight.

I don't even know how to make myself straight.

I get that Irene was the one who let go of Jennie during their practice but she didn't even attack Irene even though she hurt her foot, she stayed calm. And now, I just talked with Irene a little bit and she's like a living volcano that every time I get near her, she explodes!

I was too busy with my thoughts that I didn't even know that I'm already at my locker and beside it was Chaeng's locker.

"Jisoo unnie, are you alright?" She asked, tilting her head to get a better view of my worried face.

"No. Jennie went mad again at me. I didn't even know what I did wrong." I sighed, leaning at my locker.

"What happened?" Chaeyoung asked, grinning like a maniac like she knows something that I don't.

"I don't know either! She was like Irene this, Irene that then she walked out!" I did my best to explain it.

She grin more. "Maybe she's jealous."

I scoffed. "Jealous?! Kim Jennie? Nuh uh gurl! I mean have you seen us when we're together? She hates my guts!"

"Who is Irene to you?" Chaeng suddenly asked, catching myself off guard by this question.

"My ex-girlfriend..." I whispered but she heard it.

"Exactly." She said, snapping her fingers.

"What do you mean? Jennie doesn't even know that she's my ex!" I said, confusion was written all over my face.

"Oh trust me, Jennie knows. She's like Detective Conan you know." Did she say Conan? Conan, my love of my life. Nah, kidding. But I love Conan!

Maybe I found the Conan of my life.

But she can't be jealous, can she? I mean, she's Jennie and she hates me.

Jennie's POV

I've been avoiding Jisoo like she has this some kind of virus. I don't know why I'm so annoyed at her, heck I don't even care about her! And here I am, acting like a kid. I mean she just talked to Irene, what is it about me? I don't even care if they had s-sex in the b-bathroom! Whatever! Ugh!

Can I just leave her things outside the house and lock all doors and windows? Or I could just ask someone to kidnap her and put her to Mt. Everest!

"Woah woah, princess. Why are you such in a hurry, my love?" I stopped at my tracks when I heard Vernon's voice. Ugh, not him again! Why can't my day just be happy?

"Not now, Vernon. I am not in the mood to handle you." I started walking again but he held me at my waist and turned me around, holding my wrist.

"Stop acting like a bitch because I know that you want me." He started gripping my wrist and he tightened he's grip around my waist. This is gonna leave a mark later. It fucking hurts.

Why is Vernon acting like this? He used to be so sweet and now... it's the exact opposite! What is he? A yandere?

"If you don't let me go, I swear I am gonna kick your d*ck!" Instead of being scared, he just grin like a psycho.

"So what? You're just a little pathetic girl that all she can do is yell for help or wait for that Jisoo girl to save the day but tell you what, Jisoo is not gonna save you today!" He stepped forward making me step backward.

"You know why? You fought with her, didn't you? So no Kim fucking Jisoo to save the day." Vernon started dragging me behind the school's building. All I could do was punch his head or back but it wasn't enough to make him faint even though I've tried it many times.

He pushed me to the wall and I tried kicking his balls but he was too fast at grabbing my leg. He was still grinning, so happy that he got his prey under his hands.

He pushed me hard to the wall and started kissing my neck. I started crying and screaming, my vision went blurry and suddenly when his hand slipped to my shirt, all my hope went gone.

Instead of thinking about my mom or my friends or God, all I could think about was Kim fucking Jisoo. I mean of all people to think about while getting rape, I think of her. Why her? I hate her and now I'm wishing and hoping that she'll be right here to save me.

Maybe he's right. No Kim fucking Jisoo to save my day. She won't come. I mean, after all that, why would she even save me? Maybe, I deserve this.

I closed my eyes, accepting my fate and waiting for Vernon's dick or whatsoever but it didn't come.

Suddenly I could breathe again like someone pulled Vernon out if the way because no one was kissing my neck or touching any of my body parts.

Someone wrapped her/his arms around my waist and hugged me. I know that it wasn't Vernon because this someone was so petite and that's when I realized that it's Jisoo. Her scent spread around my body and comfort filled the air.

"Shhh, Jen. It's alright. He's gone, I'm here baby. I'm here." I wrapped my arms around Jisoo's neck. I was so glad that she's right here. I hugged her tight and she did the same.

I buried my face in her neck and started crying. We stayed like that for a while. Her, hugging and rubbing my back and me, crying.

I don't know why or I don't know how but suddenly, I found comfort in her arms. I found comfort in her voice. Her being here makes me feel like everything's okay that no one can harm me. If I can just stop time, I would stop it so I could stay in her arms forever.

What is happening to me? What is happening to us?

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