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Jennie's POV

I entered the detention room grumpily. I was supposed to watch Pretty Little Liars today but no, detention ruined my plan. And I am not suppose to be here! I'm a freakin' queen for crying out loud! A queen in detention room? Fucking great.

As I entered the room, all heads turned around to face me. Some guys smirked, some girls rolled their eyes. "It's nice to have you here, Miss Jennie." I rolled my eyes at Mister Park, who is in charge with detention. He's like Mr. Filch from Harry Potter. He is horrible.

I sat at the very back where no guys or girls can disturb me. Some whistled when I walked passed them. I rolled my eyes, pervs everywhere.

As I sat down, a girl on my side which is far away from me caught my attention. Isn't that... Jisoo? I frowned. Why is my fuckin house mate here in the detention room too? Fate likes to play with us huh.

Jisoo smirked when she saw me staring at her. She got up and sat beside me. "Hey there beautiful." Then she winked at me. I gagged at what she did. Disgusting.

"Can you please just stop?" I said, raising my hand to stop her from saying anything disgusting again.

She held my hand and put it down. "Stop what?"

"All that. Stop it." I said, snapping my fingers at her.

"I am not doing anything." She said, crossing her arms.

I was about to say something but her cheeks caught my attention. Even the side of her lips and her forehead caught my attention. Why didn't I see it before?

It was all red and black like she got caught into a fight. "What happened to you?"

"Oh this?" She asked, pointing her face. "It's nothing. I'm still beautiful anyways so no worries." Why is she so full of herself? You can't deny it though. She is indeed beautiful. Oh shut up, self. 

I just rolled my eyes and sat back, quietly. I so hate her. So I'm just gonna ignore her to avoid myself from shouting at her. "Why are you ignoring me?" She started poking me and it annoys the hell out of me!

No stop, Jennie Kim. Don't snap at her. You are already in detention, don't make it a whole week of detention so just relax and don't mind her.

"Jennie." She started playing with my hair. I hate it when someone plays with my hair. I slapped her hand away but it came back. I slapped it again and it still came back.

"Can you please just stop?" I asked her nicely, with a fake smile on my face.

She leaned back, crossing her arms and frowned. "Stop giving me that fake smiles. I hate it."

"Then stop annoying the hell out of me." I gave her another fake smile. She rolled her eyes and kicked my leg.

"What was that for?!" I started raising my voice at her.

"What was that for?" She mocked me. Gosh this woman is such a pain in the ass!

"Fuck you." I thought she was gonna say "fuck you" back but she didn't. She just smirked and put her hands around my waist and neck. It was so fast, I didn't get to move.

The next thing I knew, she was kissing me. All these people looking at us, shocked at what she was doing at me. She's kissing a fucking queen which is me.

I regained my composure. I broke the kiss and slapped her hard. I got up from my seat and moved far away from her. Who does she think she is? Fuck her. I am so done with her.

"You shouldn't have done that." I looked beside me and saw Yoon Bomi with a very messy hair. She's one of Kim Namjoo's best friends so I'm kinda close to her. But what happened to her?

 But what happened to her?

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(Yoon Bomi of Apink)

"I shouldn't have done what?" I asked her even though I already know what she's talking about.

Acting innocent is not a clever move you know. Oh shut up.

"Slapped the new girl." Bomi unnie said, fixing her hair with her hands. Her hair is unfixable without a comb.

"She kissed me!" I said, defending myself.

"Uhuh. And she protected you. Do you even know why she end up here?" Bomi unnie accidentally pulled a hair out which made her yell "ouch".

I frowned at her and started fidgeting my fingers in the desk nervously. "Why is she here?"

"She attacked a bunch of girls saying bad things about you. I tried to stop the fight but I end up here with a messy hair to be exact." I went to my bag, pulled out my comb and gave it to her.

"She did that?" Clearly, I was surprised because of what I've discovered. Kim Jisoo, my house mate did that?

"But why?" I asked, looking back at Jisoo who looks miserable after the slap. Girls who she attacked I think were laughing at her so bad. Now I kinda feel guilty about it. What the hell? What are you even saying Jennie Kim? You? Guilty? Like when?

"I don't know. Ask her." Bomi unnie's hair went back to normal. She gave me back the comb with a thank you.

Ask her? After I slapped her? No freaking way. I can't swallow my pride just to ask her why she did that.

You know what? No, I am not gonna ask her because I don't care what happens to her. It's her life and I don't fucking care even if she jumps on a bridge. 

Mark my words. I don't fucking care.

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