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Jennie's POV

I walked pass the parking lot, busy with my thoughts and not minding people looking at me or checking me out. Kim Jisoo is driving me nuts! Like literally.

I was about to go inside my classroom but a big figure blocked me out. From the scent of his perfume, I figured that it's Vernon.

(Vernon of Seventeen

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(Vernon of Seventeen.)

"Hey Jen." He said shyly, rubbing the back of his neck. If I wasn't turned off from him the other day, I would find this situation cute but no. He's a dick. A fucking dick. Who agrees? Raise their hands!

I raised my eyebrow at him and faked a smile. "Move." I said and pushed him off the side, not minding the people around us. Some guys started clapping and shouting things like "Kim Jennie is single again!" "Yes! I have a chance with her now!" "Go away dude! She doesn't want you!" And girls whispering but I can still heae them. "How dare she push a King!" "What a bitch!"

Who fucking said that I wasn't single? I entered the classroom grumpily, my classmates suddenly shut up and eyes are all on me.

"What was that about?" Kim Namjoo, my best friend or classmate, asked me. To be honest, she's the only one who can handle my grumpiness.

(Kim Namjoo of Apink)

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(Kim Namjoo of Apink)

"Oh right. I forgot to tell you. Vernon's a dick. I don't like him anymore, I guess." I frowned. Do I still like him? I mean after all that incident makes me think that I don't really know him.

"Finally! You won't listen to me that he's a dick!" Namjoo celebrated, clapping her hands. "Now you know what I mean. Though, I think he won't stop bugging you ."

"What do you mean?" Justin Bieber's song popped out of my head, great. Just great.

"You know that we're childhood friends, right?" I nodded, frowning at the process. "Yeah but you guys aren't close now."

Namjoo snapped her fingers and pointed at me. "Exactly! You know why?" Then she pulled out a Nova in her bag. This girl always thinks about food.

"Why?" I asked. She opened her Nova and started eating, I did the same too. "He's crazy. I'm telling you. Once he likes a girl he won't stop until he gets her."

"What's wrong with that?" I asked her, taking another piece of Nova. When will our professor enter the classroom anyway?

"He won't stop until he gets her. Either by his sweetness and all that good stuff or by force." She said, her eyes getting larger like she's frightened.

"What you mean by force?" I asked, clicking my tongue and frowning.

"He... erm... because you're my only friend in the classroom... I'm telling you something that can't be heard by the public so shut your mouth, okay?" Namjoo whispered. This sounds serious so I promised her that I won't tell anyone about this.

"He attacked a girl back when we were 16. Her body's full of bruises everywhere." Namjoo whispered to me. My mouth fell open, shocked at what I heard.

"He was arrested but his dad talked to the police and got out of jail after 3 days and then after that, the info got hid by the police. The suspect remained anonymous." I stared at her with wide eyes, waiting for her to say "I was just joking Jen!" But no, she was staring at me sternly.

"How'd you know this?" I whispered, swallowing my saliva because of fear.

"I was his best friend. And I know the victim." After Namjoo said that, our Professor entered the room. He began teaching but my mind was off somewhere.

Am I in danger? Should I be scared? I started biting the back of my pen. I mean that incident is like 3 years ago, maybe he changed. Maybe my ass Jennie Kim, ready your damn funeral. Oh shut up mind.

"Jennie Kim." Should I change house? He freakin' knows my address. What if he enters the house with a chainsaw?

"Jennie Kim." Namjoo nudged my arm but I'm too busy for her new gossips. I mean, I'm gonna freakin' die! She nudged me again with force.

I looked at her and was about to say what but my Professor shouted at me. "JENNIE KIM, DETENTION!"

I glared at Namjoo. "Gee, thanks for not telling me." I scoffed, leaning back in my chair and crossing my arms.

"I was nudging you!" Namjoo face palmed herself. "Good luck in detention, I guess. Have fun Jen." Then the bell rang. I started fixing my things and went to the next class. I hate my life.

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