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Jennie's POV

"Uhm... Hi." The cute guy started while looking at Jisoo awkwardly because she is raising her eyebrow at him which I find cute.

"Hello. What do you need?" Jisoo asked straight forward with her fake smile plastered on her face.

"Uhm yes, of course! Hi! I'm Minghao but my friends call me The8." Minghao stopped talking but Jisoo waved her fingers forward signalling him to continue.

"I'm friends with... Vernon." Minghao said which made me frozen in my place and Jisoo quickly stood up, ready to punch the guy's face.

"Wait, wait!! Noooooo!" Wow, he squeaked like a girl. Jisoo grabs the collar of Minghao's shirt and raised her other arm, ready to punch Minghao's face.

"I came here for peace!! FOR PEACE! I am raising my flag. Please don't punch me." Is this guy gay or something? I tried so hard not to kaugh but failed.

"What a chicken." Jisoo rolled her eyes then went back to her seat.

"I came here to apologize for Vernon and I just want to be friends with the both of you." So he didn't come here to flirt with me huh? "Yes, I didn't come here to flirt with you because I'm hella gay, sister!" What the fuck? Did he just read my mind?

"I don't read minds." He stated then smiled. WHATTTT?! Then how? Is this sorcery or something?

"I didn't even say anything!" I said, raising both my hands up in the air.

"You didn't have to because I can read faces." Then he winked at me which made Jisoo kick his leg playfully.

"Why do you want to be friends with us?" Jisoo interviewed Minghao with an eyebrow raised.

"You're not a spy, are you?" I said, raising my eyebrow too.

He waved off and laughed. "No, no! Why would I spy on you guys? I mean, you guys are hot but I'd rather spy guys with dicks and you guys don't have that."

My mouth hung wide open because this guy just exposed himself that he's addicted with dicks. Like oh my gosh. People inside the café started looking at our direction which made me hide my face with my hands because of embarrassment but Jisoo just laughed it out. Loud.

"I like him already." Jisoo said, slapping my arm on the process. I looked at her with no-kidding expression plastered on my face yhen Jisoo just shrugged.

"I kinda transfered school. Your school actually and I don't have friends there because you know, Vernon got expelled." He explained, while scratching his back.

"I mean, if it's okay for you guys to be friends with me." He said while looking away. He's soft and kinda cute.

"Are you sure you're not a spy or pretending to be gay?" Jisoo raised her eyebrow again at him and Minghao got scared. Why is this so funny?

Minghao raised his right hand and slowly said, "I promised that I am not a spy nor pretending to be gay. If I ever lied, then you, Kim Jisoo is free to break my bones." I thought he was gonna choke because he said it slowly and he was scared. Is Jisoo that terrifying?

"Wait, wait. How did you know my full name? I didn't tell you my name." It is indeed suspicious so I looked back at Minghao and sweat started forming on his neck and forehead. Hmmm. I think he's lying.

"This is kinda creepy but..." He started, wiping the sweat off his face. "I kinda stalked you both..." He said then looked away.

He's a stalker? What? That is indeed creepy.

"Woah woah, a stalker?" Jisoo said. "First of all, I'm a friendly stalker. Not a creep!" Minghao defended himself.

"Being a stalker is being a creep! Duh." I said then I gave him the what-the-fuck look.

"What kind of stalker are you? Like on social medias or in person?" Jisoo asked then Minghao said both without blinking his eyes. My eyes squinted, am I sure that I can trust him?

"Okay, you guys don't believe me so I'm just gonne give an example." Minghao said then he breathed in. "But do you guys mind if I sit?" Minghao asked our permission so we just let him seat beside Jisoo. He was about to sit next to me but Jisoo pulled him towards her. Wow, talk about jealousy and being possessive.

"Remember that one time when you guys were going home and a dog started chasing you guys?" He started while his hands were holding each other like he was praying. He's nervous alright.

"That dog was scary. So big." Jisoo said with a pout. She's kinda afraid of big dogs. I don't get her though. Big dogs are cute too! Well, the dog that chased us definitely wasn't. That dog was scary. Like very scary. It made us scream for our life. And instead of helping each other, we started pushing each other towards the dog. Good old days lmao. We didn't use my car back then because the engine won't start. And because of that dog, we will never go home without a car again.

"But that dog disappeared midway." I said, remembering that the barking stopped and when we looked back, the dog was already gone which was weird.

"I kinda baited the dog and the dog started chasing me. I thought I was gonna die that day. I cried while running! I almost peed my pants!" Minghao was teary eyed when he told the story. He even faked to wiped off a tear that wasn't even there. Gay alright.

"When did you start stalking us exactly?" I asked. Minghao looked up at the ceiling and started thinking.

"Last month? When Dad told me that I need to transfer school." Minghao's expression turned dark when he mentioned his Dad. Looks like they're not on good terms.

"Why us though?" Jisoo asked while frowning. It makes no sense to be friends with us because all we do is bicker. Like seriously. We argue all the time. We argue on the bathroom, classroom, house, gym, etc.

"Because I only know you guys because of Vernon. Speaking of Vernon, I wonder what happened to him. He was such an angel back on elementary days." Minghao said while frowning. "Who would have thought that an angel can ba a demon?" Did he just call his friend a demon?

"Why do you need to transfer though?" I asked while looking at his eyes. Then he smiled bitterly, "My dad found out that I'm gay and wanted me to stay away from my boyfriend which is now my ex."

The guy which was with Minghao when he entered the Starbucks stopped in front of us with four iced coffees on his hand.

"The8, we need to go." The guy said then he took two of the coffees and gave it to us. "It's Minghao's treat." He said.

"But we ordered--" I was cut off by Minghao's friend. "Yeahhh but I talked to the nice lady over there by the counter so here's your money back." He said to me then winked. He was about to give me the money but Jisoo was fast so she was the one who took it with a tiger look on her eyes. He only winked at me and here's Jisoo acting up.

Jisoo and I looked at Minghao and said thank you. Minghao just smiled and stood up. "I gotta go! Nice talking to you guys!" He said while walking off.

"HEY! BY THE WAY, WHEN WILL YOU START GOING TO OUR SCHOOL?" Jisoo shouted which was embarrassing because we're on a Café for goodness sake!

"THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW!" Minghao shouted then he went out.

"What a weird guy." I said. He was unbelievable.

"I know right? But he's kinda nice." Jisoo said then looked at me.

"You don't think that these are poisoned, right?" I asked, lifting up my iced coffee then Jisoo started laughing so I did, too.

Looks like it's gonna be me, Jisoo, Rosie, Lisa and Minghao from now on.

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