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Jennie's POV

As cheerleading practice ended, I went to the locker room and got changed. I went to the parking lot, assuming that Jisoo already went home by walking or riding with a bus but no, she's still there. Leaning at my car with her arms folded and headphones in her ears.

Wow, she's still here. It kinda makes me feel happy seeing her still here and all. Not leaving me behind. I slowly walk towards her, thinking of words to say to her but failed.

I just stood there, looking at her, waiting for her to notice me. Jisoo sighed, uncrossed her arms and took one of her headphone out. "What?" She asked, kinda irritated.

"What did I do wrong?" I asked her, shock at her reaction. She's annoyed at me. Like she's really annoyed at me. Vice versa. Let's sing for the first time in forever, shall we?

"Are you seriously asking me that?" She scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"Uhm,yeah?" I said, opening the car and putting my bag on the backseat. I closed the door and I was about to go to the driver's seat but Jisoo suddenly, touched me in my waist and wrist and turned me around, pushing me to the car. Her knee was in between my thighs and her face is so close.

"I didn't get to kiss you earlier, am I right?" She asked, giving me that sly smirk of hers. She traced my lips using her fingertip and licking her lips. Oh that luscious lips. Ugh.

"Stop it, Jisoo. We're at the parking lot and people are watching us." I said, struggling to get free from her hands. Gosh, why is her fingers so long?

She inched closer and whisphered, "So what? Let's give them some live show."

I was about to shout at her but she let go first and smiled. "Just joking princess."

I punched her shoulder. "Stop that."

"Stop what?"

"Seducing me."

"But I love you though." I wasn't expecting that I love you thing again but she did say it again. She dropped the words and my guard fell off again. This same crap again. Ugh.

"You don't love me. That's just infatuation." I said, pushing her away and going around the car to go to the driver's seat.

"Have you ever been in love before?" She asked, stopping me from opening the car.

I looked up and stare right through her eyes. "I haven't and I'm not planning to. Love is stupid. Vernon for example." I opened the door and was about to go inside but her words stopped me.

"But I'm not him." That hit my heart. She's staring at me like pleading, begging to have me. Vernon didn't even look at me like that.

"Jen, please give me a chance. I'm only here for 3 months and my time has already started." She closed her eyes and breathed in. "If you didn't fall in love with me within those months, I won't bug you ever again." She offered.

"Look, I like where this is going but you're a girl and I'm a girl which is wrong." I said, frowning.

"Woah woah, sister. Loving is not wrong and love is not based on gender." She stated, pointing at me then she smirked,"Besides you like my kisses. Correction, love it."

I facepalmed myself. "Kim Jisoo, you are so full of yourself. And what makes you think that I love your kisses?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Three reasons. First, you always turn red whenever I kiss you. Second, you always moan. And third, I'm pretty sure you're always wet whenever the kiss ends." She shrugged and her tone is like stating a fact. Ughhh.

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