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Jennie's POV

"Get the fuck up! You'll enroll at my school so get up!" I said as I pulled the sheets out of her. This girl sleeps like sleeping beauty but she is not beautiful. No, no. So she's a sleeping monster.

"Nooo! I wanna sleep more!" She said as she pulled the sheet on my hands, I pulled harder. This means tag of war.

"JUST GET THE FUCK UP AND GO TO THE SHOWER!" I shouted. She let go as I stumbled on the floor. God, that hurt! All the force went to my butt! This is the worst!

"Are you okay? I didn't mean to--"

"Just go to the shower please." I said as I masssage my temple. I got up and left her room. I rest my back on the door, still massaging my temple.

I hate her. I. Hate. Her. I so hate her. This bitch is making my life miserable.

• • •

"Why are they staring at us?" She whispered on my ear, touching my arm on the process. I quickly slapped her hands away from my arm making her whine in pain.

"Are you always this moody?" She asked making me stop from walking. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. God, this girl. If it's only not illegal to kill, this girl would be dead by now. But nooo, Thou Shall Not Kill is part of the Ten Commandments.

I held my anger and tried my best to smile at her. "I won't be this moody if you didn't ruin my day earlier."

"I'm sorry, okay? I told you I didn't mean it." She said as she touched my hand. You can tell that she's really sincere because tears are forming around her eyes. For a girl who's about to cry, she's really pretty.

I sighed. The mad Jennie suddenly disappeared. "Okay, okay. Fine, you win. Just don't make me angry again."

She nodded and gave me her bright smile. She intertwined her fingers to mine, making me feel tingly. I'll let her be, I don't want to ruin the mood.

I'm sure rumors will spread like a wild fire again, saying that I'm going out with this girl even though I am straight as a pole. And besides, I think Vernon likes me. I should go out with him.

"Now who's this gorgeous lady, Jennie Kim?" And Lalisa Manoban suddenly appeared. And she didn't call me 'unnie' to be exact.

"Oh unnie? You're gay now?" And of course, Rosie is with her. Why did I end up being friends with them? Best friends.

"Ohhh! Who are they babe?" Jisoo played along and acted as my girlfriend. Yep, rumors are totally gonna spread like a wild fire.

I sighed. Do not let anger control you, Jennie Kim. I let go of her hand and put my arm around her waist. I pulled her closer and exhaled, giving her goosebumps.

"Don't be like that Babe or else I'm gonna punish you later night." I can feel that she smirked at what I said.

"Oh? What kind of punishment is that Babe? Punishment on bed perhaps?" She said seductively. I quickly pushed her away, disgusted.

"What's wrong with you?!" I asked out loud, making everyone turn their heads toward us. Great.

"What's wrong with me?! What's wrong with you?!"

"You pervert!"

"Goddess of Punishments!"

"Goddess of Perverts!"

"Goddess of Punishments!"

We continued to bicker until Rosie stopped us.

"What is wrong with both of you?!" Rosie said as she stepped up between Jisoo and I.

"She started it!" I said as I pointed Jisoo who is sticking her tongue out. What a kid.

"Just... assist her to the office. She needs to enroll. Please." I sighed, massaging my temple again.

"Blah blah blah. Whatever, Moody Queen." Jisoo said as she flipped her hair and turned her back, walking to who knows where. She'll get lost if Lisa or Rosie didn't assist her. What an idiot.

"Jisoo was it? Wait! You're going the wrong way!" Rosie called out, running towards Jisoo. Lisa followed, laughing.

"Who was that girl?" Someone blurted out beside me, I can feel his breath on my ears. Vernon. Of course, it's him.

"What do you want, Mister?" I said as I turned my head to face his very angelic face.

"Just checking up my soon to be princess." Then he winked. Of course, I smiled on the process because he is so cuteeeee. My fan girl self is gonna burst!

"You're so cute when you smile like that. I like it." He is so good at flirting. Might as well go with the flow.

"This smile only appears when I'm with you handsome." I said as I put my arms around his neck, moving another inch will cause me a kiss.

Jisoo's POV

"Who's that ugly guy?" I asked Rosie?? Or whatever, pointing the guy who's flirting with Jennie.

"Oh that. He's Vernon. Don't mess around with him. He's so famous that his fans would kill to be Jennie unnie." She chuckled, looking back at her "unnie" who's enjoying the jerk's company.

"Oh? Why?" I asked, frowning.

"He likes her. Like he likes her so much. So yeah, don't get involve." My frown quickly turned into an evil smile. Oh? This means war.

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