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Jennie's POV

Time went by fast and before I know it, the three months with Jisoo just ended. I'm in the car, driving Jisoo to the airport and this will be the last time we'll see each other because I didn't choose her. I mean, why would I? She's just a pain in the ass anyways so I'm thankful that she will be out of my life after two or three hours.

Okay, just kidding guys. It's not April but I think, I just fooled you guys. I wish everything would be that easy. I mean, me going to the airport with Jisoo and not choosing her. Life would be so easy if I haven't met her. I mean, she turned my life upside down.

I'm currenly in the cafetefia. It's already lunch time and I haven't seen Jisoo after the comfort room incident. I'm so anxious at the moment that I can't even lift my spoon.

"Unnie, are you okay?" I looked up and saw Rosie's worried eyes. I find Rosie's accent so sexy. Her aussie accent is to die for and I know that Lisa thinks the same.

I let go of the spoon and fork and smiled at her. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Because Jisoo unnie is not here?" Lisa suggested with a smirk plastered on her face. She started wiggling her eyebrows at me like she knows something I don't. I swear, sometimes this girl is so weird.

I raised my eyebrow at her and gave her my bitchy smile. "Rosie, can you please make Lisa shut up by kissing her?" I asked sweetly to Rosie then both of them started turning red. Awwww, my babies are blushing. How cute.

Suddenly, someone pulled my chair that almost made me fall on the ground. "Yah!" I turned around and saw Minghao's face with a smile plastered on it.

"Yo!" The cafeteria went wild. Girls squealing like it's the end of the world. I mentally rolled my eyes. Great, rumors are gonna spread like wildfire again.

"Is this why Minghao Oppa changed school?! Are they dating?!"

"Jennie is so lucky. She got to taste Vernon, and now Minghao too!"

"What do you mean Jennie's lucky? Minghao is the lucky one. Man, I want to date Jennie too."

I smiled at Minghao to hide my irritation. "What are you gonna do? Seems like rumors are gonna spread fast." I said, making Minghao smile too.

"Let them think what they want to think." Minghao said then he pulled a chair beside me and sat on it confidently.

"Where's Jisoo?" Minghao asked when he noticed that Jisoo is not with us on the table.

Rosie and Lisa were both shocked when they saw how close I am with Minghao. Is he the transferee they were all talking about? Like seriously? What's so amazing about him? I mean, yeah he's handsome and all but I prefer a knight in shining armor than a prince charming. Oh shut up because we all know that you prefer a knight in shimmering dress. Shut up, inner mind.

"Oh hey there! Lalisa and Roseanne, right?" Minghao asked which made Rosie's and Lisa's mouths form into an 'O'. I mentally face palmed myself. So this is how they fangirl.

Both of them nodded which made Minghao smile and I think... the maknae line is gonna melt. And to think that Lisa and Rosie are in a relationship but they are fangirling with the same guy. If I were one of them, I'll get jealous. Oh brother.

"If you're wondering where Jisoo unnie went, Irene unnie pulled Jisoo unnie away from us earlier. Irene unnie said that they are gonna talk." Lisa said which made me stand up. Why didn't she say that earlier?! Aishhhh, this maknae!

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