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Jisoo's POV

A week before prom and everything is still a mess. The cotillion is only half finished, teachers running around the hallways like an apocalypse just happened, the principal visits every classroom with an angry face on and I am not happy about it.

"Guys, get up! We need to finish this!" Bomi unnie said and most of us groaned. Bomi unnie is in charge of the cotillion and that is something I am happy about. Her assistant is, imagine the drum rolls guys, Lalisa Manoban! Yes, our maknae!

"Stop slacking around!" Lisa added which made the others groan more. This is why the cotillion is only half finished because the others won't participate.

They stood up, except me and started looking for their partners. Guess who's my partner?




It's Minghao, bitch. Excuse my language but having Minghao as my partner is awkward as hell. Excuse my language again.

Seconds later, Minghao appeared right in front of me with an awkward smile plastered on his face. "Yo." He said. I just ignored him and stood up.

We went to our places and positioned ourselves. Am I mean? Minghao is a great guy or gay but my jealousy still gets the best out of me.

I'm not happy about Jennie's partner either. They got so close quickly like a lightning just hit the ground. You know how possessive I am and you guys also know that I get jealous fast.

Jennie's partner is Joshua. Just the name of him makes my temper boil. And that guy acts like a saint. He's so nice like literally. He keeps buying everyone's water and he... He... He keeps wiping Jennie's sweat from her face and it makes me want to kick his balls.

 He keeps wiping Jennie's sweat from her face and it makes me want to kick his balls

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(Joshua Hong of Seventeen. Lead vocalist)

And do you guys know what's more annoying? His korean name is Jisoo. We have the same nameeeeee! And it wants me to strangle him. He's Korean but he was raised in America so Jennie and him have a lot in common.

A whole new world, a piano and a violin cover suddenly started playing, indicating to start dancing. Jennie wants to watch Aladdin but we didn't have any extra time because we are so busy with prom. I want to watch it too.

As we started dancing, Minghao's face is so close to mine and that annoys the hell out of me. It feels like he's gonna kiss me any moment. I'm pretty sure that he won't because he's gay but it feels like it and I'm pretty sure that Joshua's face is close to Jennie too. Ughhh. Why can't Jennie and I be partners?! That would be a lot easier but the principal said no. I hate him.

Jennie's place is just across mine and it's both a blessing and a curse to see her. I'm happy to see her but then, Joshua is always in the view. It hurts my eyes. Like bitch, the only one who can hold Jennie's waist is me. Go find your place, scumbag.

"Stop staring at Joshua like you're gonna murder him." Minghao whispered while he twirled me around.

I stopped twirling and stepped foward while Minghao stepped backward. "Oh believe me, I want to murder him." I said with a death glare which made Minghao chuckle nervously.

Then the music paused, I looked at Bomi unnie and Lisa who is at the center. Our formation is a circle one so you guys can tell that Jennie is so far away from me but I can see her clearly. She's on the other side of the curve for pete's sake.

"Okay, guys! Listen up!" Bomi unnie said in the mic, making everyone turn their heads toward her. "The next step will be like this..." Bomi unnie continued then Lisa held Bomi unnie's waist.

I glanced at Chaeng who is just right behind Jennie to see if she's jealous or anything but nothing. HOW TO BE HER?! How can she not be jealous?! Because Bomi unnie is a close friend, use your brain a little. Guuuuurl, I don't have one.

Lisa acted the man so Bomi unnie can be the woman. Lisa is taller than her so it will be awkward if their position was reversed. Lisa stepped backwards two times as Bomi unnie stepped forward then Lisa twirled Bomi unnie around. After that, Bomi unnie stepped backward as Lisa stepped forward then it was Lisa's turn to twirl. Then they did that putting the foot foward thing.

"Well that's not so hard

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"Well that's not so hard." Minghao said while crossing his arms. I rolled my eyes at him. Annoying gay. He's gay but I can't help myself getting jealous! I hate this. I hate me. I hate myself.

"Let's go guys!" Lisa said then she started counting, "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight." I twirled around with Minghao's help. "Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one." Then it was his turn to twirl. I let go of his hand then he twirled.

This kept on going until the bell rang, signalling us that it's lunch time already. Thank you, Jesus! I quickly let go of Minghao, relief flooded my face. Thank you, Jesus indeed.

I glanced at Jennie and that Joshua guy is wiping my girl's sweat again. And Jennie just keeps on smiling. That girl! She didn't even stop him!

"Hey, Jisoo. Can we ta---" Before Minghao can finish his sentence, I walked away and ignored him. So mean, Kim Jisoo.

My plan is just to walk but my legs look like it have a mind on its own and it started running.

Jennie noticed me quickly but the guy didn't. I stopped right in front of them then I slapped the guy's hand away from my baby's face.

The guy looked at me and beamed. "Jisoo, right?" I just faked a smile at him then held Jennie's wrist and started dragging her away from that Joshua guy.

"Jisoo, stop." Jennie commanded me but I didn't listen to her. I dragged her towards where Chaeng and Lisa are, the bleachers.

Namjoo, Bomi unnie and Eunji unnie are with Chaeng and Lisa so they eyed us suspiciously, except Chaeng. I think she knows what's up because she's smiling.

Midway towards them, Jennie pulled her wrist away from my hand. "What's wrong with you?" She asked while she frowned.

"I'm jealous!" I straightforwardly said making Jennie's mouth formed into an 'O'.

Then without saying anything, Jennie stepped forward and kissed me in my cheek. "Then don't be. Joshua is just an old classmate and we were close." She assured me with a bright smile.

Jealousy went out of my body just like that. "Fine." I said. So whipped.

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