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Jennie's POV

"Are you hungry, Jen?" Jisoo unnie, yes unnie, asked me while we went to the cafeteria. I've been calling her unnie ever since that incident. And what else? I said that we will start again as friends and boom, bitchy Jennie Kim to Kim Jisoo is gone.

Ever since that incident, Jisoo unnie stopped calling me babe, baby or whatsoever. She stared calling me Jen.

"Woah woah,why are you both so close together? Is the World War III over?" Lisa asked, shocked seeing me and Jisoo unnie together. Oh brother, I rolled my eyes at her. Jisoo unnie nudged me, probably to tell me to be nice. I am nice. I am always nice.

"We're friends." I said, tangling my arm to Jisoo's arm while giving Lisa my gummy smile.

Lisa stepped back, horror struck to her face. "Who are you and what have you done to Jennie Kim?" She asked, pointing at me dramatically.

I dropped my gummy smile and stared at her. "Save it or I'll break all of your fingers."

Lisa immediately drop her hands and relief flooded her face. "Jennie unnie, you're back! Some angel went inside your body and you were acting all nice."

I gave Lisa a fake smile. That's it! I am gonna send this girl back to Thailand. I stepped forward but before I could do anything to Lisa, Jisoo wrapp-- I mean Jisoo unnie, wrapped her arms around my waist, hugging me from behind.

"RUN MANOBAN! RUN AND DON'T LOOK BACK!" Lisa who was confused at first, immediately listen to Jisoo unnie and ran like she was being chased by a cheetah.

"Well, that's not what you see everyday." Jisoo unnie let go of me and laughed at running Lisa. I suddenly miss her warmth. Oh well.

Soon after, Rosie appeared holding a tray full of food. "Where did Pokpak go?" She asked us, turning her head to search for Lisa.

"Got chased by a cheetah." Jisoo said, holding her laugh. Rosie gave Jisoo a confused look and went back to stare at me.

"Welcome back, unnie. You've been absent for like 3 days. They said you had a fever. You alright now?" Rosie asked, stepping forward and putting her hand on my forehead to check my temperature.

"And you haven't contacted us! How cruel of you!" She said, pouting and crossing her arms. If Rosie acts cute, I'm fine with it but if Lalisa acted cute, it will be the end of the world.

"Sorry, too lazy to get my phone." I said, getting fries from her tray.

"And do you know that Vernon got expelled? They said he almost raped someone but the victim was anonymous. Creepy huh? Good thing it wasn't you, unnie." Rosie whispered. But it was indeed me. The feels from the incident came crushing to me like a bus hit me. Suddenly the cafeteria went quiet and it was suffocating.

My mind went blank. I couldn't hear a thing but Vernon's voice. All I can hear was his voice my voice screaming for help. I'm in my zone again. I felt warm hands slipped to my hand and the warmth was back again. It's Jisoo's hands. And suddenly, I was back in reality. I went back to normal just because Jisoo touched me? Weird.

"Jennie unnie, are you even listening?" Rosie asked, worry formed to her face.

"Yeah yeah, sorry about that. I'm just hungry." I acted hungry, rubbing my tummy in the process.

"Then eat. Imma gonna go find Pokpak." Rosie said, giving me the tray full of food, turned around and disappeared like a bubble. Not an hour without Lisa and she's already looking for her.

"Are they always like that?" Jisoo asked, letting go of my hand and slipping her arm to my waist. Here we go again, is she a snake? She touches everything in my body. Like earlier, when we were changing clothes, she touched my boob or bra and she said it was an accident. It was clearly not an accident. I mean, hello Detective Kim here.

"Pretty much." I said, sitting down and eating the food that Rosie bought. It's such a waste if we didn't eat it.

"You skipped a lot of classes because of me." I continued the topic. She was also absent for the passed three days. I told her to go to school because I will be just fine but she refused. She's also stubborn like me.

"It's fine. I have Bomi unnie and Eunji unnie to lend me notes you know." She said, taking the plate filled with chicken.

I took the pizza from the tray and start eating. I almost choked when I saw Irene glaring at us or me? Is she a psycho or what? Beside her was Seulgi. I don't get it, Seulgi is an angel and Irene is well, the exact opposite. Tell that to yourself. Oh shut up mind, I am nice. I am always nice. People just doesn't notice it.

I ignored Irene and went back to eating. After eating like 3 pizzas, I was about to get up and wash my hands but Jisoo unnie beat me to it. She started licking my fingers. As in literally licking my fingers.

I felt her warm tongue dance to my fingers. Her tongue was slender and soft. Every inch of my fingers, she licked it. She even put one of my finger to her mouth. I feel like my face is heating up. Am I blushing? Oh hell no! You're probably red as a tomato now. Shut up. But that tongue will feel really good to my va--- WHAT AM I THINKING?!

When I finally composed myself, I immediately stepped back and pulled my hand away from her. "What do you think you're doing?!" I asked, completely shocked at what she did. Now, my fingers are full of Jisoo's saliva.

She licked her lips and smiled. "Delicious." I was about to say something but Irene caught my attention. She was still glaring at me but this time it was ten times worse.

Oh no, I smell trouble. Is she gonna let go if me again during cheerleading practice? Or worse, she's gonna kill me! Don't get me wrong, I'm not scared. I just don't want to get expelled for fighting a fellow student.

I glared at Jisoo. "Thanks a lot, now I'm on the list of 'Girls to Kill' by Irene." I said, getting up, avoiding any eye contact to Irene. I have enough trouble with my life, spare me already.

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