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Jennie's POV

I don't know how many minutes have passed but we're still here; in the car, kissing. Jisoo's hair went messy but it made her hotter and her shirt raised a little so I can see her belly button and abs. There's a small piercing in her belly button which is attracting me to touch her there.

Jisoo's kisses went to my neck and my breathing became heavy. Her hand went under my shirt, teasing me softly. Her hand found it's way to my bra and my moan became louder. She's touching me, she's touching me. She's fucking touching my boobs with a bra on. It feels so fucking good.

"Jis-soo, fuck!" I put my hand on my mouth to stop myself from moaning so loudly. My other hand was on Jisoo's hair, tugging it.

Jisoo pulled back, smiling at herself. Maybe satisfied at what she's seeing. She traced her fingers to my neck. Probably it's full of hickeys now. My breathing is still heavy and I still want her to touch me. God, I sound so... desperate.

Her hands slowly went from my neck to my belly and to my thighs. She moved closer to me and I felt her boobs pressing mine. Then slowly, she whispered to my ear "I bet you're so wet down there, Love." Then she started biting my ear, slowly.

As a revenge, I pushed her to the back seat and I sat on her lap. "Grrrr~ Fighter Jennie Kim, I like it. So sexy."

"Take off your shirt." I said, demandingly. She gladly did so, grinning from ear to ear. As she took it off, my heart started to beat so fast. Can I do this? I haven't been so bold with my love/sex life before. Heck, I'm a freakin' virgin.

I traced my fingers to her collarbone and I slowly put kisses on it. Then I started kissing and biting it. She's gonna have a lot of hickeys too. It's unfair it it's only me.

My hands found her thighs and I slowly carress it and without making her object, I quickly slip my hand to her shorts making her squeaked, feeling her underwear.

I slowly moved my finger from up to down to her sensitive spot and I can see that she's already wet. Her underwear is so wet. She started to move, wanting for more.

When I was satisfied in her hickeys, my lips found it's way back to her mouth; kissing her. To stop her from moaning.

And as a revenge, I pulled back; my hands too. "That's the end of the show." I smirked.

She groaned. "Ughhh! Are you kidding me?!" I laughed and kissed her in the forehead.

I reached for her shirt beside her. "The rules, remember?"

"Fuck the rules." She pouted. She put her arms up to make me put her shirt on her and I gladly did.

"Let's go, Kim Jisoo. We're on a date aren't we?" I detached myself from her and went out of the car.

"Uh-huh. We're going to the mall with all these hickeys? You kidding me girl? We should at least try to hide it." She said, touching her collarbone which made me smile. I am so proud with my work.

"All right then. There's a make-up there." I said, pointing the front of the driver's seat. Jisoo slowly went to the front, making me see her sexy figure. Rawr. I want to bite her ass so bad. She sat on the driver's seat, looking for the make up.

"Come here, I'm gonna hide yours first." Jisoo said when she finally found my make-ups. I closed the door on the back seat and opened the front.

I slowly sat to her lap, pulling my hair at the back to make her see all the hickeys she gave me. I pulled the door close.

"You know it's dangerous to sit back on my lap. I might add another hickey on you." She said, smirking to herself.

"You can put hundreds of hickeys on my body but not now. A date is a date. You can put hickeys back at home." I said, touching her chin.

She groaned for the second time. "Alrighttt." Then she started putting make-up on my neck.

Maybe I can get used to this. Just her and me. Maybe I can love her back. Just maybe, maybe I'll find my happy ending in her.

Jisoo's POV

"And you're done." Jennie said, finished hiding my hickeys.

She opened the door and went out. "Let's go!" She said, excitedly. She started hopping towards the mall and I'm stuck in the car watching her go. She is so cute, I'm awestruck.

I quickly followed behind her when she noticed that I didn't even went out of the car. She even gave me a death glare.

When I finally caught up with her, I slip my hand to her arms; walking arm in arm.

"I'm hungry, let's go eat lunch first." She said while we entered the mall. She started searching for good restaurants and I kept staring at her. Is this weird? Am I weird? I mean, I just can't take my eyes off of her. It's like it's glued or something.

"If you were so hungry, why didn't you eat me?" I whispered softly but she heard it. "You're not delicious enough." She whispered back.

Instead of getting annoyed at what she said, I started laughing and she did the same.

"How dare you! I am delicious." I said, still laughing.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. Say what you want but I'm the one who got to taste you, not you. You can't eat yourself." She said, pointing her finger at me while smiling.

I raised my hand and bit my finger. "I can eat myself, thank you very much. I taste like chicken."

And we started laughing like Idiots again. I wish it could stay like this. I wish this won't ever end. It wish it could never stop. For I now that I will miss this moment.

Because if the three months are over... And she won't stay and pick me. I know that the only thing I can hold onto is the memories, not the person in it. And I hope, I wish that she will choose me in the end.

Living with a Stranger ❥ jensooWhere stories live. Discover now