Eve's... Ink like Curse

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Eve's POV-

Todayj I had the day to myself and wanted to go to the basement but everyone kept me away from the door, but at the moment they thought I was asleep. So I keept to the door and opened it slowly not wanting to alert anyone and went in.
As I creeping down the stairs I started to explore and soon found the part of the place called 'Heavenly Toys' and saw dolls of all sizes of my family and hugged them all. I giggled and smiled around until I found "Boris..." I was looking at what felt like hundreds of disected Boris's, it wad horrifying and I just slowly walked over and touched his cold lifeless hand.
"What happened here?" I asked myself  now scared of what secrets this place has hissed for many years. Then I heard footsteps come closer to me so I hid behind Boris and lessioned "Hello, has God come back to see me?" a man's voice asked "If not don't worry jusy come out of hiding and I'll lead you out" he said so I did unknowing if he was lying or not.
"OH a LITTLE GIRL, nice to meet you I'm Sammy" he said leaning to my level and holding out his hand "N-N-Nice to meet you Mr. Sammy, I'm Eve" I said nervously since he was covered in ink and had a Bensy mask on.

"Now what is a cute little girl like you doing here?" he asked "Ceriouity to be honest" I said as he lead me out of that room and somewhere not near the exit. "Do you want to see something neat?" he asked in a strange voice and I nodded and smiled not wanting to offend him.
"Well walk through here and I'll show you" he said opening the door and I walked in to see a inky room with candles and a star with a circle around it. I looked back to Sammy close the door and I saw a sweet smile turn twisted from under that mask.
I got scared and asked "M-M-Mr. Sammy what a-a-are you doing?" I asked and he said "Offering a Sheep" he said and...

Alice's POV-

Me and Ink were just playing cards and so far we were at a tie until we heard a horrifying scream and I jumped and said "INK was THAT?" I looked at her horrified and she had the same look and we saw Boris and Bendy enter with a serprised look and Bendy said "We have to go" and Ink and Bendy ran for the basement and me and Boris were told to wait just incase Henry, Emily, or our other side came to see us.

Ink's POV-

We ran as fast as out inky legs could run and my brother slammed all the doors open until we found Sammy infrount of a lifeless looking body "Eve..." I whispered and stepped back a little with tears in my eyes.
I was Bendy's fisted hands shake harshly and he... well.
He wasn't himself when he was 'dealing with' Sammy, I ran toward Eve and picked her up and felt no heart beat "BROTHER" I yelled to him and he quickly stopped beating the living hell out of him. He went to my side and felt her forehead and said "Ink poisoning" he said looking at me. "You know what we have to do" he said and I nodded.

We walked up stairs and Alice busted into tears and Boris just rubbed her back comforting her and Bendy said "Alice don't worry, we'll get your daughter back, we just have to do something" and Alice nodded still crying.
I carryed her up to a locked room and Bendy unlocked it with a key he's never shown to anyone except me and opened the door to show Occult like room. I set Eve on the center of the pentagram and he started to light the candles. After he did that we sat on opposite ends and closed out eyes.

I felt a strange pain that I haven't left in a long time, like a when Joey stabbed me on the back and I felt my inky tears fall and I saw Bendy did the same. The tears fell onto the pentagram and more ink started to fall off us and it went on the out line of the pentagram and went towards her.

" F R O M  T H E  E N D L E S S  P A I N  W E ' V E  F A C E D  W E  O F F E R       T H I S  C H I L D  A  C H A N C E          W I T H  T H I S  I N K  L I K E                 C U R S E"

The ink surrounded her body to the point we could see her face and went the chant was done the ink slowly came off her and back to us like nothing happened. Bendy and I were panting since this ritual take it out of us since were technically draning a part of our life into her.
But we do regain out strength after a while.

Eve looked diffrent from before other than she's black and white she now has pig tails, a short puffy like with three buttons, cute bump shoes  a blush on her checks.
She was asleep but breathing so I picked her up as Bendy blow out the candles and locked the door. "Alice, Eve will be alright just don't wake her up yet" I said seeing her happy face as she took Eve from my arms "Thank you, THANK you" she said holding her close to her.

Bendy pulled me aside and said "You know she'll be asking question right?" and I nodded and hugged him "Don't worry about Sammy he won't be dealing with us for a while, and when the time is right we'll tell her" I said and he hugged me back "I hope you're right Ink, I god dame hope so" he said barring his face into the top of my head.
'Me too' I thought frowning.

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