Dad's, am I right?

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Ink's POV-

It was a nice sunny day to do for a walk so I went ask Bendy and Boris if they would like to bring Alice and Benis with them for a walk, also it would be me good because of what happened down in the basement. When I got in the room I saw Boris feeding Benis and Bendy looking like he was getting ready to play with him, when I started to walk towards then a small flame appeared before me and spinned into a rolling up piece of parshment. Then the flame went away and the parchment almost fell when I caught it.
They looked confused but I unrolled it and read it.
I couldnt believe my eyes and I might have passed out to go shock.

When I woke up I saw my bro and Boris looking worried at me, I lifted myself off the floor and stumbled a bit before regaining balance. "It what happened you were out for like 3 minutes... and much more higher than when you use it for comedic effect" Bendy said almost astounded. I handed him the parchment and he read it out loud.

"Dear Bendy and Ink my two precious he'll spawns,

Me and your papa want to visit you and see how things a going. You know, see if you two have a special someone.
I hope you two have done some good sins while I wasn't around cause when we get there we're gonna have a good old fashion family time.

From your dads,
The Devil and King Dice'
... OOOOooooh shot..." Bendy said "I know" I said woriedly.

Boris looked confused "What's wrongI thought you guys liked your dad the devil and your um... papa King Dice" he said "Of course we do" I said and let Bendy take over "It's just that we never really talked about our relationship, Alice, our baby, me going crazy, and our SWAP versons" "... Oh" Boris said.
"Exactly so they'll probably pass out because of your guys's baby and Alice" I said "Alright we'll tell them we are in a relationship, we have a baby, and Alice but nothing about Swap got it" Bendy said and we nodded and got ready.

Next Day-

We and I mean I was standing at the door as Bendy was breathing heavily and Boris was in the other room. "Bendy it's going to going to be FINE, dad and papa are in a relationship and will except you two and little Benis, they'll probably patronize me for not getting a boyfriend" I said laughing a little "You're right it's just... we haven't seen them in quite some time he said.
'More like years' I thought and kinda rolled my eyes at his last comment about 'quite some time' then the door ringed. So I opened it and saw "DAD, PAPA" I yelled happily and jumped hugged papa. "GREAT seeing you to my lucky dice" papa said "Bendy, my little imp" dad said and hugged Bendy in a 'manly' way. "We missed you" I said as papa let me down "We missed you too our little ink demons" dad said and ruffled my hair.
"Dad... um I want you two meet two special people close to me" Bendy said and motioned Boris out "Is that you boyfriend?" dad asked "Husband actually" Bendy said holding out his hand to show the ring. Papa looked happy when we saw Benis "Devil look at what those two made" papa said. "Holy mother of sweet me, Dice we have a grandkid" dad said and held papa's shoulder in amazement then he walked towards Boris.

"So what you're name sonny?" dad asked "Boris, Boris the Wolf and this is Benis" he said happily shaking dad's hand "Your been good to them right?" "Of COURSE, they honestly mean everything to me" Boris said smiling and held Bendy's hand when he got close. "Good, that means I won't have to take your soul" he said and me and Bendy yelled at the same time in embarrassment "DAD" "ALRIGHT, alright I get the message" he said and looked at dice.
It was awkward silents so I askws something to help it "Can we go do our family time now?" "Good idea Ink, I've been meaning to grind the old dice together again" papa said streching his arms and back a bit. "So what does your family do for family time?" Boris asked "We are gonna play a visit to heaven, you'd be serprise how easy it is to cause chaos up their" dad said waving is hand aimlessly and while taking out a smoke and lighting it on fire with his finger. Boris looked uneasy about this since he's not used to leaving his with Alice and might I saw, when she meet him she litterly flipped.

Me and Bendy looked at eachother since we can't bring Boris along and bother of us wanted to leave.

Bendy's POV-

"Boris?" I asked woriedly "I'll go ask Alice" he said and went "Who's this Alice chick?" papa asked rubbing his... chin. "She's an angel that lives with us" I said "Well, well old God throw out his own Angel, dame and I thought I was harsh" dad said laughing and said "How about we meet thos Alice Angel" papa said grinning so me and Ink led them to where Boris and Alice were and dad said "WAIT I know you, you were the one that got the idea of ripping Boris's insides out from that creep Joey Drew" he said.
"DAD can we NOT talk about that?" I asked a little harsh "ALRIGHT, alright I'll stop anyways what about that Henry guy?" Dad asked and conveniently Heney and Em came in. "Who called?" he askes 'Wow timing' I thought a little amused at this and dad and papa introduesed themselfs. "Really I thought I made them up" Henry said smiling "Well YES, and No, Yes you did draw them, and No they lived in our world before they lept off the paper" dad said and patting  his back "Bendy, Ink, you've got a great artest" he said and we smiled and then saw Benis start to cry. "Me and Boris will be right back" I said "No, no we've gotta go to" papa said and with cartoon logic got a vipper out onto a wall and unzipped it to show hell.

"Kids please come visit, your old friends would love to see you guys" papa said before zipping it up and disappearing with a pop. I sighed and held Benis in my hand and rocked him till he fell asleep. "Dad's, am I right Bendy?" Ink asked and I rolled my eyes playfully and sat down thinking about what papa said.

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