Cuteness can be Deceiving (SWAP)

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Boris POV-

Today Joey and Emm decided to let us the park and right now we were at in the car and my loving Angel was asleep on my lap and curled up in a little ball of cuteness. I kissed him lightly on the head and looked at his ring and smile "I'm really happy you guys finally made it officials" Ink said, nugging my arm while I rolled my eyes in a playful tone. Alice looked really upset with this and wasn't talking to Spring and then se finally got to the park.
We all got out and Bendy stretched his wings out and no matter how many times he does it he still looks heavenly  "Boris you're drooling again" he said and wipped my mouth. I chuckled as he giggled, so I connected my hand with his and led to the swings.
I got him on it and pushed him lightly as he went up in the skys and back down to me then he, SOME HOW leps off the swings.
My heart actually skiped a beat as his body was flying out until his wings started to flap quickly, then he did a frount air flip and softly landed on the ground with grace. Every kid was looking at him and cheered in excitment as they ran to him.
Then I saw an Ice Cream Truck and saw Ink chasing it and waved my tail wanting to chase it for the wheels so I saw Bendy finally escaping the hands of the kids and getting to me. I held him and said "Wait right here I want to join your little sister in chasing an Ice Cream Truck" and he giggled and said "Alright, bring me a scoop?" and I nodded, then I licked his cheak and ran towards the truck.

3 Minutes Later

"Man INK why didn't you tell me you liked chassing cars?" I asked laughing holding a tire in one arm and a cone in the other "Well I didn't even KNOW I liked chasing cars" she said astonished as she held to ice creams for herself and Alice. "I just to ask why in the world would you be nice to Alice after all she's done to you and Bendy?" I asked and she looked at me and said "Well everyone deserves to be happy don't they? They just need a friend to get them there" she said so I said "You are way to nice" and she giggled and ran towards Alice and tryed to give it to her but it looked like she was snapping at the her so she tryed to give it the other creator and his now wife I think, but they shuck her head then gave it to the little kid we got Spring. Soon all the little kids left leaving very few people... mostly anxty teens.

I went to give Bendy his cone when i saw a few girls around him gocking and flattering him, I said him covering his face with his hands. I marched over to them and said "Would you ladys mind giving him some space?" and they just ignored me. 
"Come on sweety show us that cute face of yours" one said so he left his head down and uncovered his face leaving only a shadow.
Then he lifted his head showing his way to adorable face. Stars in his wide eyes, light blush, and all around innocent and some of the girls did a very over dramatic nosd bleed, while the same girl just sneered at him "Your not as adorable as us you baby face, hell I bet you can't even scare me" the same girl said. I let go of the wheel and gave Bendy the cone and said "Wait over at the benched sweety" but he just shuck his head and said "I think I can handle this one my dear Wolf" and I nodded letting him pass me.

He stepped towards the girl and stopped. His hand started to twich around until they rolling into a fist, his little horns that hanged down were slowly going up and his hands on his head breathing heavily and I head him whisper "My lord please forgive me" then he laughed like a mad man. His horns now fully raises like how Razz's the demon Bendy horns are.
He started to fly up and his wings turning black he screeched "nOW WHo's ScARy NOW" and the girl screamed and ran for the hills "OH ComE ON tHe FUN jUST STARTED" hr laughed out and started to chase her. Luckly I tackled him and said "Bendy calm down" and he struggled "Oh come on my Angel Face calm down for me" I whispered to him in his ear and kissed him.
He was breathing heavily before calming down and kissed me back, when I pulled he was black to his heavenly way. "Did I a little to far?" he asked and I just chuckled as I said "I'll tell you later, come on everyone's waiting for us" and picked him up.
'This little angel has a little bad side in him, scruw Friday the 13th, I love our little horror story better.'

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