Daddy Boris (SWAP)

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Boris's POV-

Bondy was now 10 years old and how is that possible you may ask, well by the power of cartoon logic and Ink children grow a little faster than normal kids, so when a years as gone by our little kid is 5. So it's technically been about 2 years, but let's say Bondy has learned to speek quickly. There first word was spoken when me and Bendy took them out for a midnight stroll and they giggled when they saw a creature of the night fly out. I told them what there name is and Bondy spook out and reached out towards them "Bats!" and I swear I had to carry Bendy home.
Anyways us and our counter parts have been going to school in Inkwell Island and we both made sure that they knew how to get home with out an enchantment.

So it was the middle of the day Ink was doing a handstand out of boredom, Alice was just walking around for some reason that I didn't bother to find out, Bendy was looking at a cook book, and I was just looked at some weird book called 'Twilight.' I couldn't really fallow the narrative but I continued.

Bendy's POV-

As I was looked on how to make a something called a 'Chimichanga' and as I got to the difficult part I heard a portal open up and I looked back to see Bondy land on the floor. I quickly rushed to them and saw them crying "BONDY, are you okay?" I asked quickly rushing to them. They showed there back where there wings are and I gasped and cryed a little. I felt a hand on my shoulder and we look up and saw Boris there with a red glare coming from his eyes and a dark ora around him that just screamed kill. "Some of the kids thought it was w-weird that I haven't chose a gender to be so one of them scratched me and I went down and cryed as they yelled out I was a girl" Bondy said and I hugged them quickly as they whimpered.

Boris's POV-

As my sweet little angels hugged my glare became more dangerous as I felt my fur stand on its ends. Like my more or less werewolf instances kicked in 'I'm going to kill those kids parents' I thought before snapping out of it. I sighed before picking up my child or my little flower and saying to Bendy "Sweety I'm going to take Bondy to bed" "Boris it's only 7" he said.
I pointed outside and he saw it was dark outside "Oh... but how about din-" "I think we don't need food at them moment" I said as Bondy gripped onto my fur. "Okay... I'll wait in our room" he said as walked out of the room with me.

As I placed my little flower on there bad and sat on the edge of the bed and patted there head "Okay kiddo... it's gonna be okay Bondy, trust me I'll make sure they apologise" I said and they sniffed up and said "B-B-But D-D-D-Daddy it's my fault that I-I-I'm like this" "No, NO sweetheart just because you want to chose your own gender doesn't mean it's bad, Trust me on that, your dad had trouble with some people thinking he's a girl just I was the only cartoon who could see pass that" I told them as the leaned on my arm. "Hey, how about we sing out little song" I said and there eyes lit up quickly and nodded.
I got a music box out of there drawer and wound it up.

(* Boris sings
Bondy sings)

Sweet child I am your Dad, a wolf oh so very "insane"

I'll tare their world apart, to make my family happy

Now I must carry on

Making you feel oh so safe and sound

'Cause I am you Daddy Boris...

And I am a piece of you...

So please do not cry my dear

Your daddy will be forever here

And when you grow up strong

We all can make sure you are loved

Our joy will be their pain

As their world drowns in chocolate rain

'Cause I am your Daddy Boris and you are a piece of me...

Remember that one time you took me to that flower place?

I got to see this world...

...and things were never quite the same

My wild pitches flew

Driving the cartoons all insane

'Cause I are My Daddy Boris, and you are a piece of me/'Cause I am you child Bondy, and I am I piece of you

Oh little spawn of ours without you we would be so lost

You have stuck by our side...

...No matter what the tragic was

Our crazed imagined have given us a new found strength

'Cause You are my Child Bondy...

... and you see going to bed now...

I kissed my little flower and said goodnight "Good night daddy" they said and I turned off the lights and left the door open by a crack and walked to me and Bendy's room.

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