Ink in the Basement with Sammy

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Ink's POV-

I don't know HOW in the world I got into this mess but here I am in the freaking basement trying to find spare keys to the Basement door or at least something to brake it down. I don't even WANT to know who locked me here cause if I did I would shred them into bloody prices and that was when when I saw Sammy on the floor looking like he was crying so I silently walked over to him.
"Sammy?..." I asked nervously and that was then he popped his head up and looked at me and got up quickly BENDY, MY LORD?" he asked serprise "No Sammy, I'm Ink, you know his sister" I said soothing not wanting to scare him since the last time I saw his was when I almost killed when I got Henry in my hands.
"INK what are YOU doing here... did my Lord send you?" he asked way to excitedly. "No Sammy... he hasn't... the door got locked and I stuck here for the mean time till I find a key" I said and he sighed and walked to a chair "What's the point now... my Lord doesn't care about me or even notice me and, well, I'M STUCK IN THE FUCKING BASEMENT" he yelled out irritated.
For some weird reason pity for this man that has always and only wanted my brother to notice him in the best way, I sighed and sat on the table that was right next to him and sighed with him.  "Lession, Sammy... I know it is lonely being here with not many people to talk to other than the ink people but my brother is kinda scared of you get OUT of the Basement, you'll do something frightening that you might you know hurt there" I covered my mouth before I finished "Don't worry Ink I know they had a child, nothing escapes these ears of mine" he said and we silently laughed and sighed. I thought for a moment and got an idea. I pulled out my towel aka handkerchief, then I lifted his Bendy mask and wipped the ink off the ink that was around and on with lips, and I knew that his eyes litterly had ink on them  but he SOME HOW can still see. "There now you don't have to taste ink every time you eat something... wait... have you ONLY been eating the bacon soup that was down here?" I asked woriedly and he nodded slowly and I felt my heart stop out of the shock he has been able to live this long by only eating that... I mean one time I tryed it and it actually tasted like dog food and don't ask me when I know what dog food taste like.

Out of the logic of cartoon logic I pulled out a orange and a bottle of water and gave it to him and he looked excited to eat it. I patted his back not wanting his to chock on anything seads in the orange and he mumbled out while eating "Why are you being nice you me?" and I looked away not knowing how to answer this question.
I mean I never cared about him since he gave all his attention to Bendy, he's very creepy and crazy, he never really talked to me other than opinions and where people are, and he payed attention mostly to his music as well... well maybe not never cared. I found him as an amazing music director but other than that we were mearly aquantionses working together and nothing else.
"I... don't know Sammy I mean you seem more stable than before you know, and I guess I feel sympathy for ya seeing you become depressed" I said unsure about my answer to him and we sighed again and looked away from eachother. "Ink I know this might sound... weird-" "Honestly me talking to you and having a normal conversation is weird enough so continue" I said "Alright, I'm c-c-can I... can I have a-a-a hug?" He asked nervously and I looked at him to see his mask half off. I shrugged and hopped off the table and went to sit on his lap and let him hug me while I tryed to hug his arm. I felt seriously weirded out by this moment and almost impressed that Sammy isn't as crazy as when we left him.

It was nice seeing this side of him that I never got to see back in the day, that was when I almost fell asleep. But he shook me lightly and I got my small spark back as was awake again. I looked at him a awkwardly smiled and he lifted his mask and smiled.
And that's when he did the unspeakable...

He smashed his lips on mine and kissed me.

My puples shrunk as I froze in uter  cring and shock, I finally got my sences back when he started to run his tounge on my lips and I jumped off his lap and back up. "No, no, no, no, no I didn't want you to kiss me you idiot, I thought you needed a friend when I saw you crying be started being nice" I said covering my mouth and looked away while I started to blushing heavily.
"I-I'm sorry Ink, I just... I mess the feel, the WARMTH of a women's embrace" he said and pulled his mask back on. I wipped my mouth still blushing and my eyes twitching a little "Come on Ill help you find the key" he said and lead me around the place until we finally found the keys. He waved bye to me while taking a seat and looking down, I felt BAD leaving him like this  so I stood there for a moment with my fist to my chest and hitting it lightly. "Fuck it" I said to myself and went back to him and kissed him lightly on the head as if he was a baby and said "See ya Sammy Laurens" and ran off to the door and opened it and closed it.
I stood there leaning on the door and stopped breathing when Alice walked to me and was using a nail filer, then she asked without looked at me "Did you find the spare shoes I asked you to find?" and my eye twitched and I smaked my forehead and walked away angrily. "Wow what's ruffle your fathers?" she asked almost as if it was a joke and I looked at her. "Ink just gonna say it, your blushing" she said and I yelled out "JUST SHUT IT ALREADY" and stomped off embarrassed at what happened down there, and angry, not wanting to deal with anyone at the moment.
'God mother of dad what did I wrap myself into?'

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