Smoke Brake (COMBINED)

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Razzy's ( regular Bendy)- POV

I was in the Swap dimension wanting to hang out with Red (Swap Boris). I had nothing better to do so I went to see him since I never really talked to him. I found him on a chair in a bar like scenery "Red" I said as a 'hello' "Razzy" he said taking his cigar out of his mouth as I sat next to him hunched over. "How's your wife?" I asked glancing at him and why I said wife is become Blue reminds me of a girl "He's a doll, how's yours?" he asked "Well I was the one to wear the dress but he's perfect" I said as we looked away from each other and thought in sinc 'Another short conversation.'
"So what brings you here?" he asked putting his cigar back into his mouth "Boredom" I said "Why don't you just eff your Boris then?" he asked in a sigh "Well sorRY if I like having sweet conceivable moments for us just to hug, kiss, and cuddle" I snapped at him. "Sorry I didn't mean for you to take it so seriously" "Well when it comes to him I'm deadly serious" I said.

"Same here" he said and I looked at him knowing we're VERY similar to each over. He got out of his top pocket a pack of cigs and handed on to me "Wanna?" he asked "Nah I quit a while back" I said but be just said "Just take the dame smoke you can chuw on it" so I rolled my eyes and snached it away from him and bit on it. I closed my eye's letting all everything around me fade away and relaxed then I heard a lighter snap open and heat close to me, so I opened my eyes and saw the cig get lighted up. I took the cigret out of my mouth and put it out, I then quietly shouted out "I just said I. DON'T. SMOKE ANYMORE" and he just just his hands up and said "Just on, trust me when ever I'm feeling stress, depressed, or just down I do my most favorite thing, and my favorite thing is smoking" he said. "But you smoke all the time" I said as he awkwardly smiled and looked away scratching the side of his chin. I ground and snapped out "FINE, light me up" I mumbled the last part and looked away as I held out the cigret, I heard a small chuck before I heard the lighters fire go on it.
I put it to my mouth and breathed it in and let it out "Best thing is, we don't have lungs and only have a empty space in there like a black hole" Red said as he did the same by to my face "You bastered" I said looking disgusted at him as he just smirked and leaned back on his chair. I leaned forward and let the world around me sink away. I saw a jukebox so I asked "May I?" and he said "Go ahead" and I went towards it and looked at a song I like.

* The song on top

"That's a good song there ey?" he asked and I asked irritated at him for getting me to smoke "So, what if I like it?" "Nothing I like that song to" he said smiling. I sat back down next to him as I relaxed "Lession I'm sorry for acting like this it's just that I had a good record on not smoking and Henry left me with a mountain of paper work I had to look over" I said looking away "Nah don't sweat it Bends we've all been there, I had been there just now and wanted some time here so Angel Face doesn't take away my smoke"  he said a very settle yet smooth voice.

I took another breath and looked at him "Man I forgot what if feels like to smoke, but I don't know..." was I could say letting my hand dangle off the table. "Don't worry Razz... how about be meet up tomorrow same time and get to know each other more during our smoke brake" he offered I smiled and nodded as the music was now the only thing around us. No voices, no creators, just music.

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