Cup's and Mug's Work for Who?

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Ink's POV-

It was a boring and restless day at the studio and it was sooo hoooot, even though it's only spring and not summer yet. I groaned and accidently fell off my bed and didn't bother getting back up, but then Bendy smashed through the door and grabbed me while breathing heavily "Ah buff fuff aaaa" he for some reason spook out while breathing out in a panic. So I gently slapped him across the face and shook him "BREATH WOMEN" I yelled CALMLY. And he quickly did and breathed out "CUP'S, MUG'S, WORK, DAD'S!" he yelled and Boris rushed in "WHAT'S wrong?" he asked kneeling next to Bendy. "DAD'S AND PAPA'S WORK HOLY EFFING SANTA CRIST" Bendy yelled falling onto his knees.
"Santa Crist... do you mean Sandy Claws, or J-" "DON'T say his naaaame" he said pointing at me. He then got up and said "Boris, honey, mind watching over Benis till we get back from Inkwell Isle?" "On it, I've been meaning to teach him how to play the clarinet or at least the banjo" Boris said they kissed quickly before we left for home.

I was more confused as Bendy dragged/martched towards our dad's casino "Bendy, bro what's going on?" I asked as he finally let's go of my rist. "Dad, Cup, and Mug's... that's what" he said and we went to Elder Cetal's house. Bendy knocked rapidly until he ended up knocking on his nose, when he realized this he yelled out "IS CUP'S AND MUG'S HERE?" "No sonny, tgey went off to there job, though the haven't told me what is was" Elder Cetal said with a finger in his mustash. "THANK, HAVE A GOOD DAY" Bendy yelled and dragged me along my the neck of my dress jacket. "Bendy why in the world are you yelling?" I asked very annoyed at him and with my arms crossed. Then he yelled again "I DON'T KNOW" them a passer by just looked at us.

"Don't MInd ME, I YELL WHEN I'M NERVOUS" he shouted and attaches people attention so I slapped my hand over his loud mouth "Okay good job making a sceen, but can we not do if here?" I asked og him and he nodded as we called to the casino. I opened the doors and saw the brother working here. They had our papa's attire but without the dress jacket and the color of it was more of there colors than the purple papa wears a lot. "MUG'S, CUP'S" I yelled and tackled hugged them to the ground. "Ink it's so good to see you" Mugs said and helped me up "I thought our dad's might of torn you apart and use your heads as his ACTUAL cups" Bendy said sighing in relef.
"Well dad HAS been running out of a lot of dishes since he smashed them while chasing some costumers out because they've been tried to hit the moves on papa from time to time" I said shrugging but feeling them freeze up on me. "Oh god, he wasn't joking when he said he'll use us for his drinks" Cuphead said and I quickly said "DON'T WORRY, Dad always threatens his emploees when they start to slack off" and the sighed and leaned on each other and sat down. "These customers are seriously roauty" Cuphead said so I took off to our dad's office while Bendy was talking to then.

"Dad?" I asked opening the door slowly and saw him with papa him his lap chuckling, when they saw me I closed the door and them opened it to see dad with papers and papa standing right besides him. "Ink my little dice, when did you get here, and where's your brother?" dad asked "Talking to Cups and Mugs, and also why and or when did the start working for you?" I asked and so he got up and kneeled down trying to get as close to my hight as possable but due to his own hight, that isn't posaable. He patted his knee so I sat on it with some difficulties since I had to jump and make sure my skirt didn't fly high.

"Your friends came back to the casino after a while of them defeating me some how and they lost there bet again, so you now have to work for me since there souls are mine now" dad said to me, then papa came to me and said "Don't worry Ink, we've been fair to them since this IS there first job, and they've been working here for almost 3 weeks now and also we knew if we treated them like slaves you two would have a fit at us."
"I think that's more on the line of Bendy" I said as papa lifted me into the air spinning "You got your sence of logic from me while Bendy got his firey soulf from his dad" he said and let me down and we all walked out.

I found the boys shouting at eachother while Mugs tryed to stop them go dad yelled at them "LISTIN UP YOU LAIKYS SHUT UP" and the straighten up rather quickly, so after a while dad decided to close the place for the day and have some family time with Cuphead and Mugman for some reason, but I'm happy that they arn't trying to get back at dad. But if they did he would lose another horn and have to grow it back, and they'd have to deal with me.

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