Your Turn

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Henry's POV-

As I worked I thought of all the events that brought me to survive and become friends again with my 'Other Family.' "Hi Henry, need anything?" "AHH o-o-oh hello I-I-Ink, n-no I'm g-good" I said and she walked away as if nothing happened. "I can't believe she was capable of that... I can't believe I even survived that" I thought to myself remembering what happened...


'OHSHITOHSHIT' "OH SHUT" I yelled swinging my axe to the ink monsters that tryed to kill me again. As I thought I wasn't in danger at the moment after I heard fast foot steps and the lights went out and a stop light was on me. "W h y..." I saw something in the corner of my eye move I looked there but it was got.

"Why did you leave us?" I heard a girls voice say, but it wasn't normal, her voice was discorded. "YOU made us, and he broke us... now... you're gonna pay" "No, Joey didn't do... that much damage, I mean I can fix this" I said to the person.
"It's to late to fix this... you had your chance to save us" she said. I was ready to fight whatever was instored for me but I was hit in the head and blacked out.

When I woke up I was strapped to a chair, and a spot light was on me, I tryed to looked around but something was holding my head and I didn't know what. "Wh... wh-where am I-I-I?" I asked myself "In the room where it happened..." I heard the same voice say. Then I say a sillowet of her "I-Ink?" I asked scared. "Do you even remember what happened here?" she asked me calmly "Frankly I don't remember" I said, Ink started to walk around me in the darkness. "This is where you thought of me, made me real... and where I was damaged..." she said "Show yourself Ink" I said and she did.
I was horrified...
Ink was covering her right eye, blood was on her gloves, her fingers her were sharp, cuts were everywhere, her 'pie eye' was shacking scared, and she was twitching. "What happened to you..." I asked and she slammed her hands on a table nearby "You did catch drift of it!" she asked mad and I shook in fear.
"Joey did this to me, he did worst to Boris, and Bendy had to GO THROUGH THE WORST" she yelled at my face. "Ink I-I-I'm sorry I can fix this I SWEAR" I said trying to convince her "Lyes..." she said pulling a drawer and taking a syringe with green substance and a scalpel.
"Judgment day has arrived Henry... you're guilty and have to pay the for leaving... now" she said walking to me with her head lowered.
She walked up to me and slowly lifted her head and said "IT'S YOUR TURN" her puple was small and moving like crazy looking at me. "How would you like to die, dissection or ingection?" she asked, and I didn't answer. She wad starting to get impatient with me and was about to stab me.
But then I heard something crash and Ink noticed too and Sammy was limping "INK umm Hi have you seen My Lord?" he asked. Ink looked irritated, and put what she was holding down close to me then legs just in dissappered ink. Like the top part was there but the bottom haft gone.
Ones she was out she slammed the door and Sammy screamed in terror, but I couldn't focus on that I can escape.
I glanced at the scalip and saw that it was RIGHT NEXT TOO ME, WOW. So I started to nug to it and one's I got close enough I grabbed it, and since the straps that held me was a belt I easily cut throw it and got up. I started to strich for a moment and got my axe. Then Ink entered back in new blood on her fingers and she froze 'I guess she wasn't expecting this' I thought. She pulled her hands up as well as well as one of her foot, the quickly pulled them down and ink came in like a wave trying to get me.

So I pushed pass her and ran I wanted to say sorry but I WAS RUNNING FOR DEAR LIFE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. As I ran I heard her right behind me then I saw a door, I was so closer but something grabbed hold of my ankal and I fell.
"Now you're gonna stay...
F O R E V E R" she said so I did what I could only do. Swing my axe at her, and she just dogged like as if her was in the Matrix. Then I noticed my leg again and copped of the ink and she screamed in pain, 'This is my chance!' I yelled in my head and ran for it. "GET BACK HERE CREATOR" she yelled running towards me, but I thankfully got to the door and slammed it shut.
I made sure that I locked it and call I could hear was slamming on the door... Now there no turning back

End of Flashback

"How did she even do that?" I said rubbing my forehead. "Henry?" "AHH, OH Ink hi" I said ones again startled "Umm... someone wants to be employed since one of the animators quited" she said bringing in a young man/women (* You can chose) "Oh y-yes please, take a set" I said calmly.

'How does she act like that and be... well, terrifying?' I thought but I guess I will never know.

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