Movies Conversations

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Bendy's POV-

"Hey Boris guess what I found?" I asked my perfect wolf of a husband "What?" he asked as I pulled out "NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET" I yelled laughing as be froze as I put the CD into the player and began to watch with him.

"Bendy you know I don't like horror movies" Boris said woriedly looking at me "Don't worry Boris, the best way to face your fear of something on the screen is to either change the channel OR, laugh you ass off at all the faults that happen in the movie" I told him and his face brightened a bit. "Alright... I'll try to laugh at it, but if I get nightmares you own me one" he said and kissed his nose and said "Of course my love" and the movie finally started.
As the movie began I became a critic and started to make fun of the movie "Man why is it that the teenagers seem to be played by grown adults, like those official versions of song when the adults try to sound like kids and just sound terrable" I said to him and he chucked and held me close. "Tell me about it, and look at the way Freddy just chases teens, I mean really, TEENS, HE WOULD HAVE MORE LUCK WITH A DRUNK ADULT" Boris laughed and I laughed when Freddy just chases this chick while waving his arms in the air like he just doesn't care. And we laughed through and through.
So after that movie I put on 'Titanic' and nither of us talked and Boris held me close and cryed silently, so I held Boris as he cryed. I joined in at the sinking of the ship, and as Rose said her goodbyes and let go of her necklece. As the credits rolled Boris said "That was so beautiful" then something hit me like a brick to the face and I jumped off the couch and yelled "THE da EFF?" and he looked at the me shocked. "What, WHAT?" he asked scared "ROSE could of just moved over to let Jack on, there was enough room for the both of them" I complained and he chucked "I don't know, maybe they just needed a more heart breaking moment and wanted this to be a tragic love story" he said and I climbed on him and rested my head on him "Yaaa I guess so" I said pouting a bit and he make me look at him as kissed me quickly. I smiled and kissed him longer and began to have some fun with Boris.

Bendy x Boris Where stories live. Discover now