Chapter 6: Disco Disaster

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Play song when it states '(play song)' for added effect.

(Song: 'How Long' by Charlie Puth)

Word Count: 2750.


In the blink of an eye, Fred had disappeared and I found myself sitting alone on a couch surrounded by people I didn't even recognise.

To be quite honest the thought of being left alone in a house full of drunk strangers scared me to death.

But I wanted my friends to have fun and not be stuck babysitting me. So, I sat there trying to decide the best course of action. I figured I might as well try to make some friends but nobody I saw seemed approachable. That was until a wild brunette caught my eye and danced her way over to me, taking a seat beside me.

"H-Hey..." I managed to get out, cringing at the sound of my unsure voice. 

Well, this is off to a wonderful start.

"Hey! Name's Lauren," She greeted and flicked her hair back. "I'm gonna be brutally honest... I'm completely and utterly pissed." 

Lauren cackled at herself and I found myself laughing along with her, some of my unease washing away.

"Good to know, my name is Sam," I introduced and mentally facepalmed at how robotic I sounded. "It's, uh, nice to meet you."

"Cool name, Sam," Lauren complimented. "So I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that parties aren't really your scenes... am I right?"

I let out a sigh and looked around me.

It was really that obvious, huh?

"Y-You would be correct. How could you tell?" I inquired with a hint of amusement in my voice. "You know, besides the nervous stutter and the inability to meet people's eyes."

Lauren giggled and smiled brightly.

"You just look too... precious and innocent to be here. Not to mention way too responsible," She explained and I felt a blush of embarrassment form on my cheeks. "It's nothing to be embarrassed about, it's kinda cute." 

Lauren continued with a smirk on her face, knowing full well how embarrassed I was at that moment. It seemed like she was going to speak again when something behind me caught her eye.

"Damn, do you know that hunk?" She asked and I turned around, nearly dropping my plastic cup at the sight before me. "Cause it sure looks like he knows you."

There was Fred, shirtless with glistening abs on show, walking towards me with a purposeful look in his eyes. Everything else around disappeared me as he drew nearer. He licked his lips and I got lost in his carefree strides - blind to his stumbling and intoxication. Then, he was in front of me and looking down with a smirk. I stood up to meet his eye.

"There you are," I smiled and something about Fred looked off. "Let me introduce you to-"

I didn't get to finish as Fred abruptly introduced his lips to mine, crashing them together awkwardly. His hands clasped my face as he pressed deeper until he pulled back, breathless.

I was frozen in shock. 

My eyes were wide and my heart racing. I couldn't comprehend what had just happened. The scene played back in my mind like a gif, on loop as Fred's lips opened to a toothy grin. His eyes seemed unfocused as if he barely even knew I was there. He seemed to pause for a minute before letting out a chuckle and turning to some people I didn't even notice. Charlotte stood with her phone pointed at me, Oliver leaning on her and Ryan holding up another guy. A few others I vaguely recognised from school were there too, all of them in a fit of laughter.

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