Chapter 21: Revising & Tutoring

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"Good morning everybody, I'm going to hand back your mock examination from last week. They are marked and I'd like you to get with your assigned partners to correct mistakes. Understood?"

The class nodded as Mr Jones spoke, eager to get both this science period and the day over with. I spotted my two best friends sitting at another table across the room. I got to my feet and walked over to Sam since he was my partner for this activity as if Mr Jones purposefully always paired us together. I sat down next to him and greeted Emily, who was sitting opposite us with her partner Lauren - the girl that tried to kiss me. Emily, however, was texting Mike under the table.

We then all waited patiently for our papers. Within five minutes they were placed onto the table and dispersed. My score was a measly forty out of one hundred. 


I sighed. With finals coming up I couldn't afford to have this low of a score if I wanted to get the scholarship I wanted. I decided to glance at Sam's paper and my eyes widened when I saw his score was only twenty. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. Sam usually got over ninety! 

Speaking of Sam, he looked miles away.

"Yo, Sam? You there?" I asked and waved my hand in front of his face, causing him to flinch.

"Oh, um, yeah..." Sam responded and turned to look at me, giving me an attempt at a smile.

"You okay? You don't look well Sam, why don't you go home?" Emily suggested and immediately he shot up, seemingly wincing in the process, and shook his head rapidly. 

That was odd...

"No!" He practically shouted and then continued quietly. "No, I'm fine. Really, I am." 

Sam busied himself with his paper.

"Are you sure? You weren't in yesterday..." I tried but he seemingly ignored me.

I too opened mine and slowly, with some guidance from Sam, corrected silly mistakes and errors I'd made. I was thinking of asking him to tutor me since I really wanted to get good results and pass so I could graduate but at the same time didn't want to take up his study time nor did I want to get Mike's attention from doing so. The thing was that in order to get a scholarship to further my soccer career I needed good grades as well as pitch skills.

So with bated breath, I asked.

"Hey man, could you do me a favour?" I began and Sam looked at me.

"Sure, what can I do to help?" He replied, giving me his full attention.

He looked a lot more boney and tired than he used to but his Malteser eyes we are magically mesmerizing as always. His hair looked like a sea of chocolate, dry in place but as fluffy as ever.

"Um... would you be able to, well, tutor me?" I asked and I felt a blush creep onto my face. "If you, you know, don't mind and have some free time to-" 

I babbled and he interrupted.

"Of course I can, I'd be more than happy to." Sam smiled weakly at me. "I don't mind at all. When do you want to start?"

I shot him a sheepish look.

"Could we start tonight? I don't want to flunk Mr Hordsworth's mock tomorrow..."


"Okay, so you're sure you can tutor me tonight?"

"Yes Fred, for the hundredth time." Sam chuckled lightly and shook his head a little.

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