Chapter 14: Pain

242 16 11

Word Count: 1571. 


"I'm bored..." 

I whined out loud despite the house being completely empty. I switched off what had to be the 20th episode of my favourite TV show I'd watched that day - yes, my life was that interesting - and glanced at the clock on the wall: 7:23pm.

It had been roughly four hours since Fred dropped me off at my house and to say I wasn't upset in the least would've been a blatant lie. What got to me the most was that I had no idea what I did to annoy him.

You're nothing but a worthless nerd, your mere existence infuriates people.

I sighed once again as my brain betrayed me. I got to my feet with a groan and trudged upstairs to my room, ignoring everything I passed. I slumped against the knackered mattress on my bed, with such carelessness that would surely get me seriously hurt one day, and pulled out my phone when it vibrated. I was shocked, to say the least when I saw that I was receiving a call from someone. I frowned at it before unlocking said device to see who it was. I sighed once I did. 

It was Emily.

Ever since that horrific day at school day, I hadn't really spoken to her. I was just afraid that she might pass on anything I said to Mike. Regardless, I hesitantly pressed on the green answer button and raised it to my ear.

"Hello? It's me, Em," she said and I rolled my eyes.

"I know who it is, it tells me who's calling," I told her bluntly, trying to not let any emotion show in my voice.

"Then why did it take you so long to pick up? And don't try saying that you weren't next to your phone because that's a lie and you know it mister 'I'm-not-addicted-to-my-phone'," Emily teased and I felt myself frown slightly.

Because I didn't want to speak to you right now.

"Whatever. How's your trip anyway?" I asked, not wanting to tell her the reason.

"It's great! I'm sure you'd love it, well, minus all the exercising. The views are so pretty and there are fields of flowers surrounding us! Plus I've got a nice gift for Mike! How are things at school?" she inquired and I sighed.

"Fine," I replied, feeling my heart pang at the memory of all the things that had happened in her absence. 

Just the thought made me want to do it again but I promised both my Mom and Fred that I would never do it again.

Not that Fred seemed to care this afternoon...

"You sure? Look, I'm really sorry about what happened. It was all my fault but people were going to find out eventually, right?" As the words entered my ears I felt rage surge through my blood.

"No. No, they weren't. Do you know why? Because I didn't want people to know! Why did they need to know? Do you know how much harder things are going to be now?!" I practically shouted.

How could she think that was okay?

"Sam, calm down. You're over-exaggerating a bit. Who's going to pay attention to you?" Emily stated and it seemed as if I'd just been stabbed in the heart. 

I remained quiet for a moment and tried to speak but no words came out.

That was the last straw.

"S-Sam, I'm sorry! I didn't mean it like tha-" She tried but I'd had enough.

"Bye Emily." I choked out as tears threatened to fall and hung up. 

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