Chapter 25: Forgive & Forget

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And that's when I realised I hadn't been trying to protect him this last month or so.

I'd been protecting myself.



Two weeks had passed and still, Sam had not awoken from his medically induced slumber.

The doctor reassured us that it was perfectly normal, after all, his body had been under a tremendous amount of strain these past weeks. I had been coming and going when I could, hoping he would just wake up. I missed his chocolate eyes glinting in the morning sun and his cheerful voice floating into my ears. The only sound audible was the beeping of the heart monitor and the occasional car passing by.

I reached out and intertwined my hand in his, soft skin against my dry fingers. Using my thumb, I massaged the palm of his hand.

I'd thought a lot about recent events; about the way, I'd treated my best friend... the one I loved. I'd had plenty of time to reflect on every choice I'd made as of late and Emily had given me a well-deserved scolding.

"You did what?" Emily paced outside Sam's hospital room, glaring at me as she walked. "I accept that what I said, what I did was out of order..."

I  sat on one of the chairs and looked at the floor, unable to meet her eyes. I didn't need Emily to remind me of the guilt I felt but I knew I deserved it.

"I won't ask what you've been doing while I was away," Emily continued. "But I will ask this: why did you do it?"

My eyes met hers, observant and grassy-green as they looked upon me.

"Mike, he-" I started but Emily stared me down. "I convinced myself I was protecting Sam... but I wasn't."

I sighed and covered my face, attempting to hide my humiliation.

"It's all my fault."

Emily stopped pacing and put her hands on her hips, her gaze softening.

"Yeah, well, it seems Mike manipulated more than just you," Emily levelled with me. "All this time, I guess Mike was just using me, too."

She sat down beside me, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"All that matters now is making sure Sam gets all the help he needs."

I met her eyes and nodded, clenching my jaw as I fought back my emotions.

Midnight had long gone, the clock ticking as each pitiful second passed. I looked at Sam's pale face and my eyes shifted to his pink lips. They were parted slightly, just enough for him to breathe beneath the oxygen mask. He looked so peaceful, so beautiful, and yet so fragile. 

I leant over and gently hovered my lips on the hand interlocked with mine. My heart rocketed and I moved it into a brief kiss. It was a cowardly act of easing my guilt, showing my affection for him when he wasn't awake to see it. I hovered over them again and gasped when I felt movement in my hands.

His fragile limbs twitched and wiggled slightly his breathing changing pattern.

"Sam?" I whispered and his eyelids fluttered open.

They were unfocused and wide as if seeing the world for the first time. The lights above him were too much and he tried to lift an arm to shield himself from the brightness but it barely moved.

"Turn off the alarm clock..." He muttered and a strangled smile crept onto my lips.

I went to remove my hand from his but his grip tightened slightly. My heart leapt and I pressed the buzzer to call for the nurse, massaging his hand with my own.

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