Chapter 38: Closure

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Scrolling through my phone, I lay on my bed with my feet in the air behind me. As I looked over the various posts about the upcoming prom on the school's blog, my mind drifted to Mike once more. His old, red varsity jacket was visible through the ajar door of my wardrobe. With a heavy sigh, I switched my phone off and got up from my bed.

I carefully slipped the jacket off its hanger and held the fabric in my hands. I could still vividly remember our first meeting. His charming words and captivating smile. It seems a lot of things went wrong that night at Oliver's party.


"Emily, right?"

I paused my moves and looked at him, recognising him instantly.

"Yes, and you're Mike." I practically yelled over the music.

He nodded and extended a hand.

"May I have this dance?"

I hesitated for a moment. It had been quite a while since a guy had asked me to dance but I figured, why not, and took his hand. We resumed dancing for a while, songs ending and starting. Eventually, my heeled feet could take it no more.

"Oh my god. I can't dance any longer, Mike!" I complained as another song came on.

Mike nodded and leant towards my ear.

"Alright, we can go and get a drink if you like?" Mike shouted over the music.

I agreed and he led us over to the bar in the kitchen and got us both some beer. It was quieter now as most people had already drunk too much and abandoned the liquor. I started up a conversation.

"So, you play football with Fred as co-captain. That's cool!"

"Yeah! He's an excellent captain!" Mike complimented. "Then again you'd know all about that seeming as your his girlfriend and all."

I nearly choked on my beer and found myself unable to hold back a laugh at his statement.

"I am not his girlfriend. He's too much of an ass!" I told him and he chuckled. "Besides, he's not interested in a relationship right now."

Mike looked surprised.

"Really? Wow, well he's missing out on a beautiful lady!" He said and I felt a blush appear on my cheeks.

I took in his features and felt myself melt. Freckles peppered his nose and his lips were a salmon pink. His jacket was reminiscent of the 1950s and you could tell he wore it often. It was faded in places but it clear he took care of it as best he could.

"Thanks, Mike," I said appreciatively.


"I should have known it was you..." I whispered sadly to myself and increased my grip on the jacket, creasing the collar. "Was any of it even real?"

Even after I poured my heart out to you?

A light knock on my bedroom door brought me out of my thoughts. I turned to see Pierce standing in the doorway with a sympathetic look. Pierce had been staying at my place when he was hiding from Sam for the surprise and had stayed ever since.

"Mind if I come in?" He asked and I shook my head, letting him in. 

He approached me and looked at the jacket. I quickly put it back on the hanger and back inside the wardrobe, greeting Pierce with the best smile I could muster.

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