Chapter 39: Once Upon A Moonlight

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Play song when it states '(play song)' for added effect.

(Song: 'Imagination' by Shawn Mendes)

"Don't hide that pretty face. I want to look at it all the time." Fred rubbed his nose against Sam's, their lips so close yet so far. 

He pulled away and wrapped his arms around Sam once more, lampposts zipping by outside the darkened privacy windows. Opposite them, Emily and Pierce made friendly chit-chat and Sam smiled at how nice the evening was already.

About ten minutes later, the limo came to a halt and Fred released Sam from his embrace. The sound of music blaring could already be heard even before he opened the door. Stepping out, he pushed the door open wide and then extended a hand to Sam. Fred smiled reassuringly and his eyes locked with Sam's.




Everything around me seemed to echo as the gymnasium's doors were pushed open, revealing a vibrantly decorated party of dancing twelfth-graders. Buffet tables lined the walls with chocolate fountains, and finger sandwiches spread out elegantly. Various banners hung on the scoreboards and confetti littered the aged-maple flooring. Attached to the ceiling was a massive disco ball, scattering bright coloured lights across every surface. A DJ booth was situated on a raised up section of the room.

Then there were the students themselves. Numerous couples were joined at the hip as the girls' pirouetted and boys twirled them with their hands. Most were wearing basic black tuxedos or simple but marvellous dresses, while others- obviously the wealthier of the pupils- dressed in expensive tailored suits and eccentrically styled dresses. Everybody appeared to be enjoying themselves and the prom was clearly in full swing.

"You okay?"

I snapped out of my daze and looked at Fred. He squeezed my hand reassuringly and I nodded, not trusting my voice to be audible enough over the loud music.

I was, in fact, not okay but instead extremely overwhelmed.

Beside me, Pierce and Emily joined us and they shared a look before rushing off into the crowd excitedly. Emily beckoned for us to do the same and Pierce continued to look at Emily like a love-sick puppy, causing me to wonder whether his accompaniment had really only been a gentlemanly gesture.

"Shall we head in?" Fred asked me patiently and I hesitantly nodded. 

Sensing my anxiety, he held my hand more firmly to ensure we wouldn't be separated as he led me over to a buffet table. It reminded me a little too much of Oliver's part but I pushed the thought back, remembering Emily's words.

Try to relax and enjoy the night with Fred.

Thankfully, most people had already eaten something and were busy boogying the night away to notice Fred and me. I looked at one of the chocolate fountains and almost salivated as the creamy melted chocolate flowed like a mountain spring. Fred noticed me eyeing up the chocolate and picked up a strawberry, coating it in the sweet liquid. He then brought it over to my mouth. I opened and he placed the fruit inside. I closed my mouth to eat it and my lips gently grazed his fingers. I moaned in delight at the taste, smiling like a little kid at a candy shop. My date laughed and pointed to something on my face.

"You have chocolate around your mouth." He leant in as he told me, amused at such a simple thing and I tried to wipe it off with my hand but missed it. "Here, let me."

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