Chapter 26: Truth Revealed

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"So, how are you feeling?"

Emily was seated at the end of the bed and Fred in his desk chair. Emily had been coming to visit me regularly and Fred had been looking after me. I felt ashamed for being such a burden, no matter how many times Fred and his parents reassured me they didn't mind.

"A little better. Can't wait till I can walk again." I confessed and the two nodded.

For once I wasn't lying. The pain was easing off and my legs felt a lot stronger. I was glad they were here to chat. However, something told me they weren't just here for fun and games. It had been nearly a week since I told them about my Dad and I hadn't said anything more on the subject since.

"You want the truth, don't you." I voiced my thoughts and sighed. 

It was only natural they'd want to know what'd been happening recently. There were a lot of unexplained aspects to my condition and if I was to get better I needed to be honest and truthful about what'd caused me to be in that situation. After all, Fred and I made a promise.

"From now on, no more secrets from either of us."

I looked Fred dead in the eye and took a deep breath, Emily playing with her hands. Neither of them seemed to know what to say.

"Sam... if you're not comfortable or ready to talk about it, that's okay." Fred reassured me but I shook my head.

"I-It's fine," I assured him. "I need to say it and you all deserve to know."

Emily nodded and smiled encouragingly.

"Everything went wrong in the space of a year," I explained. "It all began around the start of ninth grade..."


[3 Years Ago...]

I exhaled slowly.

"Emily, can I talk to you?" I asked quietly and she nodded. 

I took us to the seemingly empty gymnasium and sat down on the bleachers.

"Is everything alright? You look worried." She asked and I looked down, unable to meet her eyes.

I remember the day vividly; the fear and anticipation. It was just a few days after the town had been buried beneath piles of snow and ice. At last, I met her concerned gaze and opened my mouth, no words coming out. 

I tried multiple times until, finally, I managed to stutter out a sentence.

"I-I t-think I might be, um, gay..."

I watched her with caution. As time went on and she did not answer, I felt my heart begin to crack. Then, without warning, I was pulled into a hug. Em's perfume filled my nose and I felt a little calmer.

"Oh, Sam. How long have you been obsessing over that?" She pulled away and smiled at me, her eyes watering. You will always be my best friend and you being gay changes nothing between us."


"Wait, so Emily knew you were gay all this time?" Fred frowned and I sighed again. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because of what happened after that..."


Emily left the gymnasium and I took a moment to regain my composure before heading out into the busy school halls. I still had a few minutes before the first bell rang. When I finally went to leave, somebody grabbed my arm. I found myself pinned against the wall, face to face with a boy. He wore a red jacket with grey stripes, his nut-brown hair covering his eyes. When he brushed his fringe out the way, his bright blue eyes shone and bore into mine.

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