Chapter 17: Unforgettable

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Beep beep beep. Beep beep beep. Beep beep-

I slammed my hand onto where I thought my phone was in an attempt to stop the dreadful noise that was hindering my slumber, only to find it wasn't there and instead slammed my unused alarm clock. Groaning, I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes and scanned the room for said device. I soon spotted it, flashing and beeping away on my desk like no tomorrow. I eventually dragged my lazy butt out of bed and silenced the damn thing.

In case you hadn't noticed, I was NOT a morning person when Sam wasn't around. 

It was made even worse when you had to be up at seven in the morning so you could be at school for seven-thirty - something I had enjoyed not having to do the day before. I had been completely snowed in and the school shut but in its place, however, had been relentless thoughts about Sam that pushed and pulled at me the entire time.

I tossed my phone onto my bed and made for the bathroom, grabbing my towel on the way. To my disappointment the room was occupied, so I had to wait for whoever had dared to get in the way of a very disgruntled me- and after what seemed like an hour they finally finished.

"Took you long enough!" I complained and my mother scowled at me.

"Oh shut up, you don't see me complain when you take a century doing you hair so deal with it!" She retorted and I pouted. "Besides, you have your own bathroom."

"I don't take that long!" I muttered and entered the room. "And my room only has a bath, not a shower."

"You and your first world problems, dear..."

Upon switching on the shower, warmth and steam rubbed up against the tiled walls. The relaxing water hit my body and I sighed in relief. It was a welcomed feeling after a day of stressing about Sam. No matter what I did, I simply could not forget about the kiss at the party or those evenings we spent alone outside. It was proving exhausting.

Nevertheless, I got showered in record time but stopped at my bedroom mirror to fuss over my hair. Having combed it to my liking, I threw on some clothes and hurried down the stairs and smelt something cooking in the kitchen as my mother stood flipping bacon in a pan.

It reminded me of the morning after the party.

Just as I went to drool over the bacon, I heard a throat clear behind me.

"Hurry up! You'll be late at this rate bud," My ever-so-helpful father reminded me, sitting at the table with some bacon and eggs on a plate in front of him.

"I know Dad!" I shouted. 

I grabbed a slice of bacon off his plate, grinning cheekily as he yelled after me. I simply saluted him with my free hand and grabbed my keys on my way out the door, waving goodbye to my parents.

The sun was actually out, slight heat radiating from its blissful rays. The streets were reasonably peaceful as birds chirped in delight at the pleasant weather. I checked my phone for the time and realised I was gonna be late.

"Not on my watch I'm not!" I replied as I shoved my phone in my pocket and set off in a sprint, a sense of deja-vu hitting me like a brick.

I increased my speed as I entered past reception, ignoring the calls after me, and burst in through the door of my class just as the bell rang. 

"We made it..." I sighed in relief and looked to my side, only to realise...

Sam wasn't there.

I had been so caught up in getting there that I'd gotten lost in my memory of running into science class with Sam just a few months ago. Usually I'd have walked to my daily inconvenience with my aforementioned friend, but recently I had decided against it. If I were to separate him from harm's way then I needed to start doing things by myself.

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