Chapter 10: Horrific Memories

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Play song when it states '(play song)' for added effect.

(Song: 'Ghosts' by BANNERS)

Word Count: 2195


A glint of silver shone as something slid out from under the cubicle. I advanced towards it and picked it up. As I held it in my hand I noticed upon further inspection that there was a crimson red that had stained it. It was at that moment that everything suddenly fell into place like a puzzle.

Everything finally made sense.

I looked down at the glistening object in disbelief, unable to draw my attention away from it. Surely not. Surely he hadn't been doing what I think he had? All this time, all these years? He couldn't have, could he?

No... please. 

Yet despite my speck of hope, there was too much evidence to support my suspicions.

Sam always wore long sleeves, winced in pain when I grabbed him by the wrist that one morning and he was unfazed by his injury with the bread knife. This could only mean one thing, something that at that moment I dreaded being the truth. 

He cut himself.

My stomach hurtled and I felt myself nearly throw up. Sick with worry, I neared the cubicle gingerly - as if it would disappear if I moved too fast. What I didn't understand was why

Whilst it is true that Sam had seemed different as of late but what could have caused him to do this to himself?

That was when it came together.

Whatever happened around ninth grade must've been worse than I could have ever imagined. It was around that time that Sam changed, that he put his camera down and became unreadable. 

I was yanked out of my thoughts when I heard a weak and muffled sob coming from Sam's cubicle. His breathing became more erratic and the cries go louder.

I stepped in front of the cubicle door.


(play song)


As his footsteps drew nearer I backed away from the door and fell onto the closed toilet. He wasn't supposed to find out about this.

He's going to think I'm weird, a freak, stupid. He's going to hate me. He's going to hurt me. 

Those were the thoughts that suffocated me as the seconds ticked past. Before long I found myself shaking and, despite my best efforts, a sob got past my sealed lips. Everything around me fell away into the void.

"Sam... Open the door. Please." He asked gently but I refused to fall for the sweet, caring act.

Not again.

"Sam, I'm not going to hurt you. I want to help you." He continued and I closed my eyes as the dreaded memories came flooding back.

The room around me changed, baby-blue walls and grey tiling decorating the walls and the cubicle expanding into an entire bathroom. Before me, a white wooden door was bolted shut with a silver lock. It rattled as the door was pushed from the other side.

"Sam, open the door..." He sang sweetly. "I'm sorry, I'm not going to hurt you. I want to help you." He reassured.

I didn't believe him, not after what I had just witnessed.

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