Chapter 27: Justice

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"So what now?"

Fred got up and sat beside me, pulling me into a warm embrace.

"Now, we take down that bastard father of yours."



The plan - yes, we had one - was a simple one.

All it entailed was Sam going to the town's sheriff's office and inform them of his abuse. As simple as that may be, however, it meant Sam had to face his anxieties head-on and turn his father in. It also had its flaws, given that Sam's main evidence relied on injuries and his accounts of abuse. Given that not all Sam's injuries were inflicted by his father but by Mike also, it was unsurprising that Fred was reluctant to let Sam go through with it.

Fred had argued and begged Sam to reconsider and rest at his house for a little longer but Sam was adamant that it was now or never. If he waited any longer, his injuries will have healed quite a bit. Fred relented in the end but insisted he go with Sam to the office and, too, stayed by his side.

As we stepped into the building, the smell of coffee and incoherent chatter amongst the deputies instantaneously halted Sam. Fred held his hand and I put an arm around his shoulder, reassuring him that he wasn't alone. When we finally reached the main desk, Sam was already losing his nerves.

"Hello, can I help you?"

The lady behind the desk had black hair tied back in a bun and a welcoming smile and a friendly face seemed to soothe Sam somewhat.

"I-I'd like to report, um..." Sam trailed off, looking at the desk. 

Fred and I both smiled reassuringly.


Sam was physically relieved after saying the word and the woman smiled sympathetically. She pulled out some papers from the desk drawers and readied a pen.

"Okay," She smiled. "In your own time, please give me the details."

Little by little Sam explained what had happened, his name and address. When he began to become emotional, the lady led him onto some seats to continue getting the details. After she handed him a tissue, they continued.

As I watched them talk from afar, Fred and I giving him privacy, my mind began to drift to the other person who had abused Sam.


I was all mixed up. I now knew he was horrible to Sam but at the same time, I had fallen for him hard. I wasn't even sure what was going to happen with him. Fred was extremely furious and wanted revenge but Sam just wanted to forget about it. I, meanwhile, didn't know what to do. He had lied to me and bullied my best friend, I didn't even know where to begin.

I supposed we'd cross that bridge once we'd burnt down this one. Fred was determined to help Sam break free from the restraints of his past. I guessed it was his way of apologising. I also wondered about what would happen between them once this was all over. 

Would they finally go out? 

I hoped so but at the same time, it was dependant on whether Sam and Fred would ever really be the same.



I was worried.

Heck, I was petrified. I didn't want Sam to be in any danger but he was persistent in going through with informing the authorities and for that, I was immensely proud of him. Sam had gone on a few times about how he was so weak but this proved the opposite. He was brave, strong and courageous. 

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