Chapter 8: Allured & Afraid

290 16 13

Word Count: 1968


"Hey, Samuel!" I heard a familiar voice shout out as I closed my locker and turned around.

He... called me by my name?

"Nice to see you too Mike," I replied sarcastically and went to leave but he pinned me against my locker abruptly. 

I gasped and winced in pain - my bruises still hurt from the party.

"I just want to have a little chat." He whispered and I didn't respond, "You haven't told anyone about what happened now have you?"

I realised that he was alluding to the events that transpired in the bathroom the night before. I shook my head vigorously. 


He set me down, almost gently, and observed me for a moment. He noticed my now bandaged finger, going to speak when-

"Mike, what are you doing?" I heard a more chirpy voice ring out and I peered over Mike's shoulder to see Emily. 

Mike instantly retracted, smoothly putting a hand on my locker and leaning on it. He waved to her casually.

"I was making sure he's okay, beautiful." 

I felt my heart stop, Mike's words registering in my head and I gave my friend a confused look.

"Mike and I are kinda dating now..." Emily explained, trailing off as she twirled her hair. "Isn't it wonderful!" She sang. 


"Yeah, that's awesome!" I said through gritted teeth, "When did it happen?"

I was genuinely curious at how this happened in the space of one night.

"Oh, we talked at the party last night and then he brought my car back to my place this morning with some coffee," Emily gushed and moved to Mikes side, linking arms. "He offered to get my car last night when he found you hurt in the bathroom. Isn't he the sweetest?"

I mentally imploded.

He was the reason I was hurt!

"You're welcome, by the way." Mike smiled and his eyes gleamed with power.

"T-Thank you," I stuttered out. "Have you seen Fred this morning?" 

I inquired on my other friend's whereabouts, eager to leave the presence of the two lovebirds.

"No, I haven't. You tried the gym?" she asked and I shook my head, "Try there." 

I nodded before waving goodbye and heading towards the gymnasium. However, something seemed off. As I walked along the corridors I previously seemed invisible in, I felt eyes on the back of my head as if they were eyeing me suspiciously. I heard chatter and I stopped, spinning around to check nobody was sneaking up on me when I noticed many students suddenly act busy with their phones or lockers. I shrugged it off and continued on my way.



"Look, it was just a dare! Honestly, you guys are so stupid sometimes." I retorted. "My point is, can you take it down?"

My soccer team had started interrogating me from the moment we began practice. I felt bad for not going and meeting Sam at his locker like usual but I didn't want to enforce the current rumours. Plus, I had agreed to meet Charlotte in the gym hall - who was currently stood amongst us.

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