Chapter 11: Natural Beauty

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Play song when it states '(play song)' for added effect.

(Song: 'What Makes You Beautiful' by One Direction)

[Don't judge me...]

Word Count: 2423


I suppressed a yawn as the morning light slipped through the gap of the curtains. I attempted to hide my sore eyes from the brightness but was interrupted by some movement next to me. I froze, sitting up carefully and looking around me. For a split second, I panicked but soon figured out where I was when I turned to see a familiar blonde-haired jock sleeping next to me.

Fred's house. 


I looked at the clock beside him and groaned when I saw it. 


I had slept on and off for much of the night, partially from the long 'nap' the day before in the afternoon and partially because I was scared that by doing so I would have to face those memories again- 


It dawned on me slowly. 

I was sleeping in the same bed as Fred.

Minutes passed as I ignored the grumbling from my stomach and slight snoring next to me, trying not to freak out about what was happening. I carefully laid back down on my side, back to back with Fred - being sure not to wake him up.

Then, without warning, I felt something tap my back. I shrugged it off before it happened again. I turned over to see Fred still with his back to me. I carefully closed my eyes again and seconds later I was hit again. My eyes shot open just in time to see Fred's elbow return to its normal position. 

Was he hitting me in his sleep? 

I rolled my eyes and giggled, only to receive a harder elbow to my ribs. I furrowed my eyebrows and, extending a hand, pushed him off the bed. There was a yelp and a thud as he hit the floor. I tried to contain my laughter as his head shot up and looked at me. 

He narrowed his eyes as I pretended to be asleep, knowing full well he knew otherwise. The covers were tugged off of me and I whined. I opened my eyes to see a smirking Fred.

"That's for pushing me off the bed!" He grinned and headed towards his bathroom that was linked to his room.

"How do you know I did it, you were asleep?" I acted innocent. "You could've just rolled off the bed." 

His face went from amused to sheepish.

"Who said I was asleep?" He smirked.

"Wha-!" I threw a pillow at him and dashed into the bathroom before it could reach him.

It hit the door and I laughed uncontrollably. I could hear him doing the same behind the door.

"You're an ass, dude," I said in between my laughter.

"I know."

My laughter subsided when I felt a twinge of pain on my wrist. I looked down to see white cloth delicately wrapped around it and everything hit me like a bus. From Fred finding out about my sexuality to the events in the boy's toilets, it all came to the forefront of my mind and I subconsciously pulled down my sleeves.

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