Chapter 4: The Invitation

414 19 4

Word Count: 1728


"Stop him!" I bellowed across the hall as I sprinted towards our goal, on the tail of the opposing team's captain, Oliver. 

It was weird playing against a member of your own soccer team but there was no way in hell we were losing this! 

As I reached the other end of the hall I attempted to remove the ball from his possession but my target passed it quickly to his teammate who then proceeded to shoot it like a bullet towards our goal. I stopped in my tracks and prayed that it wouldn't go in and moments later my prayer was answered as my friend Ryan caught it at the last second. Yes! 

Ryan was by far the best goalkeeper in our class and was also the goalkeeper for the soccer team, he was always on the ball - quite literally.

He booted it up the hall and I set off in pursuit, narrowly dodging my opponents and at last, I reached it and quickly took it under my control as I pelted towards their goal. Without any further hesitation, I aimed the ball straight for the goal and kicked it with all my remaining strength. However, I had put too much swing into my kick and I suddenly found myself falling onto the floor of the gymnasium as a loud ringing sound pierced my ears. My eyes darted towards the time on the scoreboard and then the goal. I watched with bated breath as the ball went inside it, crashing into the netting. 

The room went silent as everyone awaited Mr Corby's verdict, the scoreboard bleeping as time ran out.

"And the final score is... 4-3 to the yellow team!" 

He had barely announced the score before I and the rest of my team erupted into a cheer. Ryan pulled me to my feet and patted me on the back. My team all grouped up and high fived one another before shaking hands with the red team. I fist-bumped Oliver and he grinned at me. 

Mr Corby had decided to hold a mini soccer tournament during gym class and I must admit it was a little unfair for those not on the soccer team; getting caught up in a heated game that was supposed to be a bit of fun...

"Ten points to Hufflepuff!" I heard a voice shout behind me and I turned around to see a beaming Sam sitting on a bench to the side. 

He had sat out of class but still cheered from the sidelines. I ran up to him and enveloped him in a hug and he grimaced.

"Ugh dude, you stink and stop rubbing your sweat on me!" Sam moaned in a sarcastic tone. "I'm gonna have to take a shower now, too!" 

I simply ruffled his hair before running off to take a shower. I heard his complaints behind me.

I knew he'd be fretting about his hair despite it being perfectly fine. He hated it when people 'ruined' his hair. I chuckled to myself as I stepped into the locker room and congratulated Ryan on his awesome save and Oliver on his three goals.


Having changed out of my sweaty gym clothes and briefly showered in the locker room (being a captain has its perks), Emily and Sam were by my side as we exited the school premises. 

"Oh come on! It was a good shot, you can't deny it!" I moaned as Sam stuck his tongue out at me.

"Actually, I can." He replied matter-of-factly. "Who knew that if you have the captain of the soccer team on your side, you'd win?"

I nudged him slightly and his face lit up as he laughed earnestly.

"In all seriousness, you played well," Sam praised. "Good job!"

In the corner of my eyes, I saw Emily sneaking up behind Sam and I - like the good friend I am - kept quiet as she neared her target. Sam noticed me watching something and went to ask when-

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