Chapter 20: 'Home' Hostility

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"Time to go home, Sam."

Those words repeated inside my head as I firmly planted my feet on the pebbled path below the soles of my canvas shoes, my eyes scanning the sight before me.

I thought I'd said goodbye to this place years ago, yet it seemed I was wrong. To make matters worse, nothing had changed. The same vines still crept up the filthy brick walls and the once white window sills were still more of a blackish colour at this point. I noted one difference, the front garden. I remember how it was once flourishing with various bright hues and well-kept bushes. Now, instead, overgrown weeds strangled the life of all remaining plants.

"We don't have all day." He remarked and unlocked the door. 

I took one quick look at the sky above. It looked as though a storm was on its way and I decided it would be in my best interest to NOT get soaking wet. With a single deep breath outwards, I stepped over the threshold.

You see it turned out I was wrong. We hadn't won, no. I realised that when he stood in front of the hospital bed with the usual concrete face rather than my mother's loving smile. All the crimes he committed against me and my mother, pinned on her whilst he remained free.

I continued down the hallway, observing every piece of furniture in the conjoined rooms as I did so. The interior was much nicer than I remembered. The layout, however, was still the same. Eventually, I reached the stairway and slowly stepped onto them. I closed my eyes and tried to shield myself from the darkness and noises that banged onto my walls. The footsteps that walked here just three years ago threatened to haunt me. 

Upon the upstairs hallway stood a single cream table with a vase atop it. The vase was disappointingly empty, though. I walked past a room I recognised and peered in, spotting something that made me gasp and put my hands to my head as if that would stop the memories returning to me. A single wall tile was missing... he never replaced it. No doubt he knew it would affect me.

Finally, I arrived at where my old room used to be, where both he and a lady from the court who was responsible for the transition of custody were waiting. To my surprise, my room was mostly intact and looked very clean. This rose my suspicions. Something seemed off...

"Well, this room is splendid and I'm more than happy to leave young Samuel here." The lady began and pulled out a small card- which my father grabbed when it was offered to me, "Here's my number in case you wish to contact me. I'm afraid I must dash, duty calls."

"Thank you for your time." He replied and she left the room. 

I watched her drive away from a window and sighed. Just when I had relaxed a little I heard a crash behind me, causing me to spin round and let out a gasp.

"What the-" I gasped and he just laughed. 

The dresser was broken, his fist bleeding from the impact. I watched in horror as he toppled the bookshelf and knock off a bunch of books.

"Did you really think I'd let you have a single ounce of luxury after what you and that bi-" He started but I stopped him.

"Don't you dare call her that! "I spat and he narrowed his eyes, daring me to continue "She is twice the person you will ever be. She was wrongly accused!"

He snarled at me, stepping closer. 

"She got what she deserved and you shall too!" He roared and I leapt out of the way of his lunge.

"You used the events of that day to trigger my mental health problems in order to make it so I couldn't fight against you! You told the court that she was to blame, didn't you!" I shouted and he began stalking towards me.

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