Chapter 9: Classroom Catastrophe

304 14 24

Word Count: 2250.

(3 Days Later...)


Desolate and unheard. Those are the two words I would have used to describe the streets around me as I trudged towards the prison of which I attend daily.

That day felt different.

It wasn't just the fact that I was up at ridiculous o'clock either. Everything around me was still and silent. If I was truly frank, I found the silence to be simply suffocating. The only sounds were my own breathing and my shoes stepping onto the concrete sidewalk. 

October had officially arrived. The morning wind sang and delicately danced as it tickled the tall trees beside me, nipping playfully at my cheeks. I loved nature. It's like a puppy; full of life and wonders. I glanced up at the sky above and saw nothing but a grey fluffy blanket blocking out the sun. I shuddered and groaned to myself. I should've brought a jacket... 

Why must my mother always be right?

Eventually, I arrived at school and entered. Normally, I would've hated the loud chatting and bustling environment - yet I welcomed it with open arms this morning. I hurried to my usual first destination and shoved the textbooks I wouldn't need for the first period into the neatly organised mess that was my locker. I locked it again and peered around behind me. 

No sign of Mike?

Today was definitely gonna be different...



I hurried into school as the bell rang. Once again I was late. That'd been happening a lot this week since my mind became distracted with other things... also known as Sam. I didn't know why he''d suddenly stuck in my head but part of me was glad he had. 

I dashed towards the science room and snuck through the door just before it closed.

"Cutting it a little fine aren't we dude?" I heard Sam remark as he seemed to find my current exhaustion amusing and I glared at him before taking my seat beside him.

"Where's Emily?" I asked when I noticed there was a definite lack of snarky comments about Sam and me.

"Dunno," Sam thought aloud. "She's never been late before...." 

A short while later Emily finally turned up to class and sat down. Mr Corby went to scold her but he handed her a note and he nodded. Emily sat down.

"Oh my god guys, you'll never guess what I've just been told!" She shrieked excitedly.

"What Em?" Sam asked, imitating her excitement. "C'mon, tell us!"

"I get to go on a two week trip with my project leader and the school has allowed it!" She gushed. "I'll have lots of work with me but I leave this Saturday!"

"That's amazing! I'm so happy for you Emily!" Sam exclaimed and shot her his award-winning, bright smile that I'd come to love- I mean expect

I seriously needed to sort that out.

"Yeah, congrats Emily! Have a great time, you deserve it!" I said and she gave me a fist bump.


I gasped for breath for the thousandth time as Sam and I had gone into another laughing fit. Sam cleared his throat as he attempted to give me his serious, studious look - so I tickled him.

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