Chapter 7: Regret

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Word Count: 2092.


I couldn't move. My head felt like it had thousands of elephants storming around in it.

I opened my heavy eyelids and took in my surroundings. For a moment I was confused, the bed I was sprawled out on felt nothing like my own. I groaned, sitting up. The confusion soon dissipated, however, when I realised I was in Sam's room. 

What happened?

I had been here many times and from a quick glance, I could tell things had barely changed. The only thing that remotely indicated someone lived in here was the lack of dust or cobwebs. Books littered the floor and on the bookshelf, I spotted Sam's old camera covered in dust. My mind drifted back to ninth grade.

Why am I here?

Speaking of Sam, he entered his room with a tray in hand moments later. On the tray were two glasses of water and a box of tablets - likely some aspirin. He was wearing his clothes from last night and I became acutely aware that my shirt was missing.

"You're finally awake again I see." He said bluntly, setting down the tray and handing me some water and a tablet and I gave him a confused look. "Australia probably heard you groaning in pain, let alone me downstairs."

When did we get in?

"Hello? Are you listening?"

I was thrown off by his tone of voice. It wasn't his sweet, innocent self. It was like all his emotions had gotten up and left. His eyes had dark bags beneath them like he hadn't slept a wink. I nodded at him and sipped at the water as he placed the other glass on the nightstand beside me.

"Anyway, take the aspirin. Get cleaned up, find some of your clothes in your draw," Sam continued, avoiding my eyes. "Throw up in the toilet, if you need to. I'm making breakfast right now."

"Right. Thanks," I said awkwardly. 

"When Emily wakes up, tell her the same thing." He explained and left the room.

It was only then that I realised Emily was asleep at Sam's desk, head resting and drooling on some of the paperwork spread about on the wooden surface. Her limbs were at odd angles on the desk chair, a thin blanket draped over her.

After taking the tablet I got up and walked over to his dresser and opened the bottom drawer, revealing some clothes belonging to Emily and me. Since we used to spend nights over here keeping Sam company, we decided to keep some spare clothes at his house. 

I took out some clothes, headed into the bathroom, found a spare towel and toothbrush and got in the shower. The warm water swept over me and with it came passing memories of last night. Snippets of conversations and fragments of events poured into my head.

"I dare you to go and kiss your best buddy, Sam!"

My lips crashing into Sam's awkwardly.

"I don't want people to think I'm gay or anything."

My heart skipped a beat and I gasped, breathless. Sam's shocked face and rosy cheeks from the kiss filled my mind, the way he froze and stared at me as if I'd done something unbelievable - and in many ways I had.

I kissed Sam.

I shook my head, willing myself to concentrate on getting cleaned up but instead Sam's face changed. Changed to him hunched over on the floor, looking as pale as the tiles, Mike standing over him. Lastly, I was hit with the remnants of the unbearable want to protect and comfort him that I felt as I knelt down and hugged him.

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