Chapter 40: Carpe Diem

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Play song when it states '(play song)' for added effect.


Sam grunted as he lifted a heavy brown leather suitcase into the trunk of his mother's run-down car, panting when it landed with a thump. As he went to grab another, I put my hand on its handle and lifted it before he could reach it. Sam pouted at me and I laughed.

"It's okay to ask for help, you know." I reminded him and Sam sighed.

"I'm trying to prove I can survive on my own. My mother's convinced I can't and this isn't exactly helping." Sam whispered and I shrugged. 

Whether or not it was helping to convince his mother, I couldn't just stand by and watch his arms fall off. Though I had a feeling it wasn't physical strength she was worried about.

"I think she's more worried about your emotional strength than your physical capabilities." I countered and he thought for a moment before he slumped down onto the pavement in despair. 

Quickly shoving the case into the trunk, I knelt down to his level and smiled sadly.

"Are you okay?"

Sam didn't answer for a moment, so I used a finger to raise his chin so that our eyes met. Tears threatened to fall as they watered. Using my thumb, I wiped them away and caressed his cheek. At last, he spoke.

"I didn't think it would be this hard." Sam sniffed and let out a shaky breath. "I thought that leaving behind this town and the bad memories it holds would be easy. But ever since we said goodbye to Emily and Pierce..."


The tires screeched as we came to a halt outside the airport, hundreds upon thousands of people rushing around to catch planes or rides. I shut off the engine of my dad's sedan, which thankfully had been easy to fix, and turned back to Emily and Pierce.

They were sat amongst luggage, making their journey less than comfortable. I smiled at them and Emily readjusted a large guitar case that was resting on both hers and Pierce's laps.

"I'm surprised you brought this thing with you, it's huge." Emily groaned and tried to manoeuvre herself so she could reach the door handle. "Argh- I can't feel my damn leg."

Pierce reached over and pulled the lever, opening the door and causing Emily to practically fall out sideways. Pierce attempted to stifle a laugh but Emily heard it. She promptly threw a duffel bag at him.

"Ow! Watch where you're throwing stuff." Pierce laughed. "And of course I brought it with me. I take it on every trip. It was a gift from my mother after all."

Sam rolled his eyes, though had clearly been equally amused at their antics.

"Only so that you would stop playing the drums." He remarked and Pierce shrugged, not denying the statement.

Once we'd all tumbled out of the car and grabbed a few bags each, we made our way inside the actual building and found a café to sit in until it was time for Emily and Pierce to depart for their flight terminal. They'd insisted on getting there early so that they could have plenty of time to get through the intrusive airport security.

I went up to the counter and ordered some hot drinks for us.

"Can I get two coffees- one with sugar and both with milk, a mochaccino with cream and a hot chocolate with marshmallows and whipped cream?"

The lady behind the cash register rang up my order and I promptly paid. Whilst waiting for our orders, I glanced back at the table we had claimed and spotted Sam having an animated discussion with his brother. Emily occasionally pitched in, flailing her hands wildly. I knew I was going to miss all of us hanging out as a group and I especially knew how hard this was for Sam, even if he was hiding it as best he could behind that smile of his.

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