Chapter 33: Pierce

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Letting out a yawn, I switched my phone off and stretched the fatigue from my joints. I was sincerely regretting agreeing to come along.

At six in the morning on a Saturday, I was stood at an arrival gate awaiting the arrival of Fred's surprise person. He'd purposefully told me to avoid letting Sam know where we were, so we both told him different but believable reasons for us being out.

"Seriously, how much longer? I'm going to fall over in a minute." I complained and adjusted my grey hat. 

I threw on some comfy clothes that morning: white cropped trousers, a gray t-shirt and finally a white hoodie and trainers to finish it off. My hair was a mess, waving about all over the place. In retrospect, I should have perhaps made myself look a little better for the arrival of Fred's guest but that would have involved getting out of bed way before half an hour before we were due to set off.

"Quit your whining, he'll be here when he gets here." He rolled his eyes and continued tapping on his phone screen aimlessly. 

He was wearing some nice but expensive pieces of clothing, making me wonder who it was we were meeting. The only time he truly made an effort was in the presence of Sam these days. I was about to reply with some clever remark but was interrupted by a guy walking towards us.

My breathing halted as I looked upon the most stunning man I'd ever seen. His sea-green orbs met mine and my knees felt weak. Before I knew it he was a mere five feet away from us. From a distance he looked stunning, up close he looked perfect; chiseled jawline, brown wavy locks, stubble emphasising his chin and mouth a hot pink colour.

"Frederick, right?" He spoke and I turned to Fred who was greeting him.

"Right. Nice to see you again. It's been a long time." Fred smiled, "Pierce, this is Emily. I don't think you guys ever met."

Pierce extended a hand and I took it, shaking in gingerly. As I went to let go he raised my hand to his lips and pressed a small peck onto them.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Emily." His voice sounded like a heavenly melody as it entered my ears. 

He stepped back a little after releasing my hand and put his hands in his pockets, seemingly observing me. I glanced at him, his black knitwear showing off his muscles and navy jeans on his legs.

"It's, um, nice to meet you too." I stuttered out in response and I noticed Fred stifle a chuckle next to me. 

I kicked him abruptly and, unfortunately, Pierce noticed. He chuckled loudly, his white teeth gleaming as he did so.

"Now I see where Sam learnt his aggression from," Pierce exclaimed and I looked at him, confused.

"You know Sam?" I asked stupidly and it suddenly dawned on me.

"I'd like to think so. I am his brother after all."

I stared, mouth gawking like I were mad. 

He was Sam's brother?!

On a second glance, his eyes were much like Sam's - only alluring - and his hair shared qualities of Sam's. Having never gotten a chance to meet Sam's sibling, I'd pretty much forgotten he had one.

"I'm so sorry! I should have known!" I apologised but she shook his head.

"It's quite alright, I was always busy hanging out with my pals and going to parties. Plus I left for college suddenly. Not that I regret it, of course, had the time of my life and Norway was amazing." He explained and a shine appeared in his pupils. It was the definition of beautiful.

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