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Originally written for a contest entry for linaxwrites and tayxwriter's Halloween Contest but I also wanted to write a chapter for the spooky month!

You're going to notice something... different.

Ok, Enjoy! 




Mike ran through the door to the science lab, dripping wet as a thunderstorm raged outside the walls protecting students and teachers alike from its wrath. He fully expected to see the class bustling with chat but instead few people were sat at tables.

Mike was puzzled, after all, he himself was twenty minutes late.

"Mike, over here!" Sam whispered and Mike quickly sat beside him.

"What's going on, where is everybody?" He queried and Sam looked glum.

"There was an accident with the school bus. We're not sure if people are okay but we can only hope..." He replied and went back to doing his work. 

I decided not to ponder on it too long and pulled my now soaked textbooks from my bag. He then took a moment to look around the room, noticing Fred and his friends were nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Fred?" Mike asked, not directed at anybody in particular but merely a thought in question form said aloud.

"Dunno, he hasn't replied to his texts all day." Emily, who Mike had forgotten was on the same table, answered and caused him to leap out of his skin. 

She laughed and Sam joined in.

"Well, maybe he's broken free from your spell," Mike smirked and she gasped, feigning hurt.

"Are you calling me a witch?" She glared and it was Mike's turn to laugh.

"No, of course, he isn't..." Sam chimed in sarcastically as he continued writing notes.

Mike smiled, an idea popping into his head.

"No, I wasn't Emily," He told her and she smiled, "I was actually calling you an ugly witch-" 

He jested but instantly got hit on the head by a book. Mike rubbed the spot it had landed on and glared at the culprit: Emily. She, however, just pretended to be doing work.

He quickly grabbed Sam's pencil and chucked it at her, aiming for her nose. It arrived at the intended target and she let out a yelp.

"Wha- Sam!" She scowled and Sam looked up, unaware of the events taking place.

"Yeah?" He replied, completely confused once he realised his pencil was not next to him and Emily raised the pencil. 

Mike thought he'd gotten away with it but was shocked when a pencil shot past his ear.

"Do you really think I'm that stupid? Sam wouldn't throw anything at me. He's too scared of me. Plus he's a lil' teddy bear" Emily chuckled and Sam pouted.

"I-I am not!" Sam said and tried to look angry but merely seemed like a feisty puppy, which the other two immediately laughed at.

"Excuse me." A voice sounded behind Mike and they all looked at the source.

"Hey Mr Jones, everything okay?" Mike asked and tried not to laugh as a pencil appeared in his vision.

"Which one of you just threw this? It hit me on the head!" He growled and instantly Emily chirped up.

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