S U N G J I N ; D A Y 6

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y/n pov

another day, another fight.

that's how it was always with us.

are we even still in a relationship? even though we avoid getting our conversations in an argument, we really can't. 


there is no one to the both of us who have understanding.

the last fight we had, about their comeback.



"what?" he said, as cold as possible, writing lyrics for their next comeback.

i settled myself, trying not to burst out of rage. 

"can i listen to the melody of your comeback?"

"what? no." 

"why?" i whined, being clingy on him, as i thought it would be a great idea for him to let me listen to it, since i'm his girlfriend.

unexpectedly and really out of my expectations to the highest level, he wriggled his arm hard enough for me to hurt my own chest. 

"i told you, no. now get out, i'm busy." he said and i was really angry, i took all the papers in his desk.

"why can't you even let YOUR girlfriend have a look or listen to it?" i half-shouted at him and as i expected, he stood up and took the papers, harshly. "sungjin!"

"what?! didn't i tell you i'm busy?!" this was going to be another fight, i thought.

"let me ask you something. am i even your girlfriend, for god'ssake?!"

"i don't even know! but here, i'll tell you this. you're a human! and my fans, our fans are also humans! that doesn't make you special, y/n! have patience!" i knew that i lost, i heaved a heavy sigh before leaving his room, all silent, without apologizing.

end of flashback

i readied myself to go their first showcase where they will perform first their comeback song; 

which i don't really know what title, what so or what not.

i sighed as i looked at myself in the mirror, no makeup, dressed simply. 

"would sungjin be happy if i came there?"

as i talked to myself, my phone then beeped, to see my one and only contact in it.

from: sungjin 

     you need to come.

            you wanted to know the song, right? be on time. it would be our one and only song that we're going to perform.

sent; 7:48pm

i sighed for the nth time and proceeded to go to the venue; which is only minutes away and the showcase will start at 8:00pm.

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