K E V I N ; T H E B O Y Z

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3rd pov

you kept on pouring yourself a glass, hugging your knees to keep you warm. you felt your tears were drowning you, but you can't stop it either. you look around your dark room, spinning the tiny glass of alcohol on the tip of your fingers.

you kept on glancing on your phone, a flint of hope carved deep in your heart for him to call. you sob with the thought of a month with no calls, a month of drinking, yet you don't get drunk. it was as if everything and everyone wants you to suffer, so you take another glass.


"you passed," you read the text one more time, letting it sink in your mind. "i just passed my job.. i just.. passed!" you jump around the house, squealing. you were so excited that you started getting your purse and coat then went out the house, going to a familiar way, to your boyfriend's office. it was only a walking distance, so you hop there, ignoring the weird stares you got from strangers. 

"i just passed," you kept on humming as you stepped in front of the office with a big smile. "kevin would be so excited,"  you fiddled with your fingers as you wait for the elevator. when you were inside, you hear a familiar voice from the outside so you instantly pushed the button for the door to stop closing. you see a couple walk out from the other elevator, hand in hand.

you squint your eyes as they headed to the company door, the sun shined through his face.

"kevin," your voice cracked as you whispered in the air. you felt like the world stopped, your tears immediately dropping from your eyes. they moved slowly in your eyes, as if life stpped there, right at that moment. you saw how he gave away his smile easily, he once gave to you. you saw how his eyes gave away happiness with just a glance, which you thought, he didn't give to you even once. your throat dried up, until you felt your lips sting because you have been biting it too hard.

you follow them quietly as they turned a sharp left, making a turn on a narrow way. they stopped on a dark side of the way, as he pinned the girl on the wall right before my eyes and kissed her lovingly. 

"tell me the fuck i'm dreaming." you say with a scoff, letting out a smirk while harshly wiping your tears. they stop and look at where the voice came from, kevin's eyes looked like it would pop out anytime.

"y-y/n," he stuttered, as he walked to you. you ignore him and head to the girl, who was evidently scared of you. 

"did you know?" you sternly asked, a river flowing out of your eyes. "i asked you if you knew!" you shout after a moment of no response and she nodded immediately. you slapped her hard which made her flop to the ground, as you slowly felt your palm sting too. "how low of you to settle with being a sidechick," you glare at her with the best you can, as you hear low chuckles from her. 

"was i the sidechick?" she smirked while she looked up on you, her lips bleeding from the impact. you became more irritated, so you kick her harshly on the ground.

"the fuck i dare you to say that one more time, bitch." you started getting more aggressive, as you felt the once warm hands stop you from doing anything more.

"y/n, please stop," kevin pulls you away from the girl who was now curled up. you turn your anger to the guy, pushing him harshly too as he bounced on the wall hard. "you know i don't like seeing you like this," 

"what?" you scoffed, dumbfounded by his choice of words. "are you fucking insane? you cheat on me and you don't expect me to act like this?" you were definitely speechless as you brush your hair back, reality hitting you. "out of all days, it really had to be today." you softly said as you breakdown in front of him. he tries embracing you but you still had the energy to push him away.

"i'm really sorry, y/n. i really am. i don't have the right to explain, i just want to let you know i'm sorry.." he rubs his eyes with his palms, showing how stressed he was getting from this.

"a huge congratulations to me, motherfucker." you stood up and dumped the phone with the text of his company employing me right in front of him, a long with a piece of plastic. 

for a minute, you have lost your attention to the girl so when you were about to leave, she pushed you harsh to a pole. you widened your eyes to the impact, your palm instinctively reaching out of your tummy.

with changed eyes, you look at her with such disgrace.

"y/n.."  kevin slowly stands up and runs to you, looking at you intently if you were okay. you push him away as he steps back and reaches the girl, he knew what that look was.

"you.." you glared at the girl. "if my child dies," you felt your eyes trembling with tears and rage, "you will go with my child." you pointed at her and immediately left to go to the hospital in a mess, worried that something happened to your baby.


and a week later, your sister who was a doctor confirmed that the fetus was already destroyed after hitting the pole too hard. 

"i'm really sorry," was all kevin could say, and the following week, nothing. no contact, no apologies. 

"son of a bitch," you mutter, still waiting for a call, while taking a glass.

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