Y U T O ; P T G - J A E H Y U N ; N C T [ 2 ]

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y/n pov

i just sat in the clinic bed while the nurse was putting medications in the small bruise i got in the corner of my lips–– an ice attached on my left cheek, doyoung holding it.

when the nurse was picking the kit, i thanked her and she left with a smile.

"you knew well he was gonna punch jaehyun, why would you dodge?"

"i don't know, well, sorry."

"you caused quite a mess."

"that– i know. sorry again."

"don't just say sorry. explain why jaehyun was kissing your forehead!" he said and a shouting, but soft way. it doesn't make sense but you know what i mean.

"well.." i explained every detail and he just listened and nodded.

"what the actual fuck. you have lots to explain to yuto."

"i know.. i just don't know if he'll forgive me."

"well you're dumb. you didn't push jaehyun when you saw us.. it can't be that..?"

"no. i don't have that kind of feelings towards jaehyun, doyoung. you know i'm not that kind of person."

"i trust you, y/n. but who knows? maybe you still haven't gotten over him."

i froze, knowing that it might be one of the reasons for not pushing jaehyun.

"jaehyun, i don't want to risk our friendship." i sighed, nervously.

"what are you talking about so suddenly?" he chuckled that made my heart lighten, though the nervousness never got out from it. he ruffled my hair and waited for me to answer.

"i.. i like you." he looks quite shocked so i looked down, "but if you don't like me back.. its okay, but please, don't feel uncomfortable and awkward. i want us to be friends.. still."

everyone knew– and by every one, the 26 others,  i liked jaehyun and encouraged me to confess.

"i'm.. sorry. i have someone in mind that i really like. i'm really sorry. uhm.."

"its okay! oh shit.. i need to go."

though we stayed friends after that day– until the day yuto came, to yuto confessing to me, to jaehyun breaking up with his girlfriend, to him confessing to me, to me rejecting him, to me dating yuto.

everything seems too fast for me, that's why i let my head back and rest.

"that's right, rest first. just make sure to clear misunderstandings. i don't want this to be a conflict between us friends." doyoung said as he also sighed, standing up.

"yeah, don't worry. sorry and thank you." i smiled at him while letting my drowsiness take over me.


i slowly woke up to the bunch of noises around me, still kinda inaudible.

i sat up, using up strength as much as i can.

"y/n.." they all said in unison, helping me up. "are you okay?" they asked again, well, in unison.

"yeap, better."

"classes are done. do you want me to take you home?" yuto asked, worry visible from his voice.

"i slept that long? well.. okay." i said, then jumping off the bed, at least feeling lighter– the aftershock of being hit by a monstrous fist.


"are you okay?" yuto asked once we were inside the car, and started the engine.

"yep, don't worry." i simply said, debating whether to apologize right now or if it isn't the right time.

"what.. really happened?" yuto asked once again, breaking the silence, being calm as he can.

well, maybe its time.

"i'm sorry yuto. maybe you misunderstood a bit. we were just playing and i lost, well.. he had to flick my forehead and i didn't see it coming." he sighed and i still continued, "i didn't push him when i saw you.. because i can't. i don't know why, but, i assure you, everything's in place."

"have you really forgotten him, as someone you once loved?"

"i don't know that but–" he cut me off by stopping the car.

"do you love me, then?" his eyes can most likely pierce through my soul. he held my hand and i looked at him.

"i love you, yuto. with my everything. note that."

"then what is jaehyun to you?"

"he's.. a friend. okay? i love you very much, yuto. you know that. i liked him ages ago and i wouldn't want to lose you to take back what's in the past."

he didn't say anything and just rubbed his thumb in my palms. at this point, all i need from him was trust.

i truly love yuto.

and again, everything's in place. 

i'm not into jaehyun anymore. 

maybe i liked him, but that was in the past already.

and yes, i wouldn't want to go to the past when i've already got yuto.

yuto is just.. someone you can never find. he's one of a kind.

and i'm very thankful to have someone like him.

someone very reliable.

"i love you more than anything, yuto. believe me." i held his hands, and stared at him with reassuring ones.

"i love you too, so much. don't ever leave me." he replied and placed a soft kiss on my forehead.


it feels right.

i'm going the right way, i know.

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