R A V I ; V I X X [ 1 ]

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"wonshik-ah!!" you shout through the whole house, dropping the foods at the dining table. "i brought foods you like!" you immediately hear footsteps running down from his room, while you made your way to the living room with a smile. 

he gaped at the foods loudly, while you set the movie you planned to watch with a smile. "thank you, y/n! you're really the best!"

"of course i am," you jumped at him, slinging your arm in his shoulder and giving him a peck in his cheek. "so why won't you date me?"

he put down the drumstick he's been munching on, and you were beyond excited, telling yourself that finally, he's going to take your question you've asked over a hundred times since eight grade– seriously.

he hugged you as you swung side-wards, you felt him kiss your forehead and again, there were butterflies bursting on your stomach. 

"you know, y/n," he let go but was still holding your arms, "i.." you looked at him hopeful, but all came crushing when he suddenly laughed and messed with your hair playfully. you heaved a deep sigh as you mark at your invisible note for failing to ask him again.


"this movie is no fun," you said as you munch on another drumstick lazily. never mind it though if the movie was boring, you still liked it because you loved the feeling of wonshik snuggling in the crook of your neck, comfortable.

"true, what about we go for the theater for new movies?"

"deal." you winked at him as he jumped off the sofa and to his room to change. you wait for him for minutes until he went down–– grabbed his house keys and offered his hand to me naturally, as if it was a normal thing a guy and a girl who are best friends do–– holding hands.

he intertwined his fingers with mine as he swiftly locked his house's door, "walk or walk?"

"do i have any other choice?" you roll your eyes, definitely against walking as you had low stamina unlike him.

"come on, its for exercising!"

he pulled you while walking backwards, making it look like that time, the only one you see was him. only him. 

this is it. i'm going to confess today. 

a strong urge came on you so suddenly you felt like doing it already, but decided it would be better after the movie.

your staring competition while walking was once disturbed when his phone vibrated signalling a message.

a message that ruined your day.

it was since then, even though you were holding his hand and he was right beside you, you didn't feel his presence after that single text.

he didn't even focus on the movie, how would he focus on you? 

how would i confess at this rate?

he might even just eat his phone up, since his face never lifted up even for just a mere second. 

"wonshik," you called, after people were now going out of the theater. he just hummed in response. "movie's done."

"that was a nice movie." he said, still has his face on the phone, with a smile.

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