H O N G B I N ; V I X X

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3rd pov

i'm in the stage of being happy just at the sight of the shining blade touching my skin.


i mean, i'm not yet at the stage where i just want to die. 

sometimes, just sometimes, i want to take a break.

from all the bullshits;

failing my parents, 

getting kicked at,

getting slapped, 

just.. everything.

i guess, in this era, getting the highest score through out the whole school makes you the weakest? 

the second placer always gets guys to beat me up.

my parents still not satisfied at what i am;

where can i fit, really?


i sighed inwardly as i slumped on my seat, totally not looking forward to today's class–– mr. yoon's– history.

who likes history classes?

well, definitely not me.

i ignore the glares that were burning at the back of my head, that were probably planning on how to kill me later on.

"class, pipe it down." mr. yoon said as he placed his books down on his desk. 

i never took my eyes off the window; the teachers knew it all and was used to it, as long as i get to get the 'good' grades.

i heard the class cheer with 'ooh''s and murmurs from the girls.

"he's a new student, late enrollee, treat him well." 

"hello, i'm lee hongbin, please take care of me." the voice was soft and sweet, unlike what i've heard so far. the class cheered again but i just stare at the leaves falling off the trees.

"please sit beside y/n." 

"excuse me.. who's..?" hongbin mumbled, as mr. yoon sighed.

"y/n, raise your hand." i unwillingly raised my hand, still not taking a glance on them.

as he probably settled on his seat, "hello, nice to meet you." 

i faced him and was, a second, shocked of the beautiful face. "yeah," i gave him a small smile, "nice to meet you."

i faced in front and jotted down notes.

he's going to be beating me up tomorrow, that i assure.

i sighed loudly at the thought and probablywished that classes were already over.


3rd pov

surprisingly, hongbin had all his classes with you.

but after your 'nice to meet you', you never bothered to spare a glance on him again which made him quite frustrated.

he was friendly. 

even he himself knew that.

but what was the reason you weren't responding to him?

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