W O O S U N G ; T H E R O S E [ 2 ]

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3rd pov

months passed and woosung became your closest friend. you were never open to anything unless he asks about it though, you were still your old introvert self. 

your aunt was arrested of abuse, and it was done by woosung with the help of his parents. since you're nearly an adult, you insisted that the money you inherited from your parents, which was a lot, to just rent an apartment near woosung's so you can both hangout whenever you like.

your feelings didn't fade for him, instead, it deepened. you don't know how, but it just happened.

"y/n-ah!" you snapped your head to your right when woosung suddenly flicked your head. "are you even listening to me?" he pouted.

"ah.. sorry. been thinking of a lot of things.." you caress your crown of the head which he flicked.

"what is it about?" he excitedly sat in front of you, irritating our classmate that has been sitting beside the chair.

"i-its nothing!" you said, furiously shaking your hands since he was the one you're thinking of.

"okay, okay." he chuckled. "sit down, i've got something to tell you!"

"w-what is it?" you stutter, face still flushed because of the stupid things you're thinking of.

"i want you to meet someone!" he smiled widely. "we'll drop by your dorm later!" 

you stare at him, dumbfounded but curious.

"who is it?" you sip on your drink.

"secret, but its a girl!" you cough to death as the water you've been drinking got caught up in your throat. 

woosung continuously pat your back until you regain your senses again.


"your girlfriend?" you quickly got your things and swiftly turn to woosung to ask.

he didn't give an answer but a shrug and pulling you to go home.

"girlfriend? if not, then what? girlfriend is the only appropriate word i can think of, if not then wife? mistress? childhood friend? another best friend? someone you can replace me of?" you continue asking but he just kept on laughing. you pout, and then continue walking home. 

as you step in your house, you cleaned as you knew there were going to be visitors. 

after that, you lazily sit on the sofa and watched some movies until someone rang the doorbell.

you stand up and hear the door open since you didn't bother opening because woosung knows the pass

code. you smile and approach them but soon your smile disappears because you saw woosung's hand and the girl's intertwined.

you hear your heart being broken to pieces as you stare at them taking their shoes off. 

"y/n-ah!" woosung shout as he kept fiddling with his shoes, not wandering his eyes to where you were.

this was what you were to him, invisible. and you had to accept that.

you shake your head to clear your brain and welcome them in.

"hi!" you pretended to be happy, although your chest felt heavy. "come in! i've already ordered since i don't coo--,"

"she doesn't cook and since she doesn't know what the guest would like, she ordered what we like along with what she thinks is suitable for the night." woosung cut you off which made you open your mouth in bewilderment.

the girl just smiled and chuckled to the both of you.

"please, sit down," you smiled.

"y/n, this is hyerin. hyerin, meet y/n." he introduced. "hyerin is m--,"

reluctance to hear the word, "nice meeting you hyerin, now lets dig in before the food gets cold!" you cut woosung and avoid contact.

you eat silently, woosung often talking to hyerin. i pout and sit awkwardly and sometimes going back and forth to the kitchen.

as you were really feeling left out, you see that your glass and pitcher doesn't have any water already so for the fifth time, you go to the kitchen. 

"boo!" he shouted and shook your shoulders a little.

you were drinking water, and because you were startled, you splashed some water in his face from your mouth.

"shit!" you furiously look for the tissue in your kitchen and gave him some. "i'm sorry," you wiped the water on his neck.

you didn't notice how close you both were so when you felt his stare drilling inside you, you stop and avoid eye contact once again.

"i.. need to bring this there. h-hyerin is waiting for the w-water." you stutter and tried escaping, but he locked you between his arms. you were now leaning on the kitchen sink, trying your best to keep a good distance from his face.

"why are you avoiding me?" he asked sincerely.

"h-huh? what avoiding? i mean, i-i've always avoided you?" you stated which turns out to be heard as a question.

his face kept coming closer and closer and my face continuously moved backwards until i felt the cabinet at the top of my head.

"w-what are you d-doing?" you ask him, but he just stared at you.

"are you.. perhaps, jealous?" he smiled wide.

"m-me? are you nuts? wh-why would i be? " you scoffed continuously and tried escaping once again only to be hold back in the arms.

you felt his hands cup your face in such a swift movement and he was already kissing you.

your eyes went the widest it can and you were left dumbfounded. 

when he lets go, he smiles.

"meet hyerin, my little sister." he smiles as you feel your face flush red once again, regaining your heart's pieces once again.

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