H A N B I N ; I K O N

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y/n pov

"iKON's B.I is suspected of purchasing LSD and Marijuana"

"B.I admits to wanting to use drugs, withdraws from iKON"

"B.I will be completely edited out of his variety shows after drug incident"

"YG Entertainment has terminated B.I's contract, confirms he will leave iKON"

as i scrolled to my news feed, everything becomes a blur until i realized those were tears coming out from my eyes.

"no. i trust hanbin, and hanbin only." i scurried through my contact, finding one contacts, everyone else's irrelevant. "there," i called him, "please answer, please." but to no avail. i called him a few more times until i was annoyed, and tried to contact the other members.

"hey, jinhwan, is everyone else there with you?"

"hey y/n, yeah, we're kinda confused too... it all happened so fast.. i'm––"

"don't worry jinhwan, for now, take care of the others, i'll.. find him. okay? please let the other know i called. and tell your manager too. i promise.. i'll bring him back."

"thank you, y/n.. please be safe."

sobs were the only noise i heard on the other line, and i won't need to make my heart heavier. 

"now... where would hanbin stay if he needs air.." i thought, all sixteen years of my life with him flashing back to his favorite places.

i ran and ran to place to another but he was nowhere to be found. it was dark and cold, and all i need now is to see him and tell me he's okay. i kept dialing his phone but it just kept on ringing.

while running, tears just keep flowing down like a river. 

"river! aside from han river.. where.. hanbin-ah, where.." i kept thinking, throwing punches at my own head. "yangjaecheon river!" i ran, and ran until i was there.

i looked everywhere, ran kilometers of the river, but he wasn't there. i flopped down, hopeless. i thought of all places, but he wasn't everywhere. i sat with my head hid on my knees, crying and sobbing.

"where do you want to go on your next free day?" i asked hanbin through the phone, hopeful.

"uh, i was thinking of taking you to a city peak. bukhansan, maybe?" he sounded cheerful, which made me excited. "it's really pretty there, lots of trees and let me tell you because i think you're stressed lately, its a good place to think and have some fresh air. not a lot of people go there."

"bukhansan then." i chuckled.

"bukhansan.." i whispered, then took a cab to go there.


"miss, isn't it a little late for you to go there?" the driver asked, but still, he drove away.

"my friend is there, and he's.. he needs me," i answered then he just nodded.

i felt anxious, nervous and hopeful that he'll be there. i kept fiddling on my fingers, making it bleed a little.

"we're here." the driver smiled, and i gave him my card. "you don't need to pay. not a lot of people is kind heart-ed as you. the fare will be on me." he winked, "now stop crying and go to your friend. tell him everything he needs to hear because that's what he needs right now. give him a hug, reassurance. and everything will be okay." i thanked him a lot and got off, walking slowly and nervous. 

until i saw that very familiar silhouette. sitting on an edge, staring off. i stopped on my tracks and decided to give him another call. as my phone rang, and i saw him get his phone, he sighed, and finally answered the phone.


"oh, y/n-ah." he tried to sound cheerful but failing at it. his voice sounded hoarse and lonely like he was asking for help but no one is giving him any. "why'd you call?"

"are you kidding me?"

he chuckled a bit, but that doesn't mean i made him happy already. my heart aches so much for this man, he deserves everything and anything. he wouldn't do that. i knew. i trust him. i believe him.

"tell me, hanbin, the truth. the truth only."

"i know what you're going to ask." he sighed, a very deep one, "did i take dr––"

"are you okay?" i cut him off, since the one he was thinking didn't even cross my mind. "are you really okay?"

the other line was quiet. i just stared at him, staring at the busy lights and cars of the city. he sighed.

"to be honest.. no, i'm not okay, y/n. i'm really not. i'm sorry. i'm sorry for disappointing all of you. i'm so sorry that i can't be what you expected me to be. i'm sorry that i even thought of having it. but i swear, y/n, i did not. please believe me." his voice was desperate, and he kept on sobbing with me. i finally took my courage steps and squatted in front of him. i wiped his tears as he looked shocked. probably because of how i looked. 

"yo- you're here.." he continued to sob but i put on a strong front, and smiled.

"i am. now stop crying."

"i can't.. its all my fault." without hesitating, i hugged him, crying with him. "i'm so sorry, y/n. i'm so sorry."

"look, hanbin-ah," i stared right through his eyes, "nothing is your fault. okay?" i continuously wiped his tears away, like nothing ever mattered to me but to make him feel all is okay again, to make him smile as he did. "let's go back?"

"i can't do that.. i can't face them with what i did."

"which is nothing. you did nothing hanbin. i believe in you and everybody else does."

"i.. i'm––"

"we believe in you as much as we love you. i believe in you as much as i love you. now stop crying, you couldn't let yunhyeong see you like that." and with that, he chuckled.

"thank you, y/n.. for staying with me."

"i'll stay with you anytime, forever. that's because i love you. and let me tell you, i'll help you too. i'll help you get that smile back with you again. and i'm never gonna stop until i see it again, sincerely." i smiled, then kissed his forehead for a while. "now, let's go back?" i stood up and reached for his hand which he took.


"what is it?"

"can we stop by a convenience store for a minute?"

"you'll bring them their favorite ice creams?" i chuckled, "sure, why not." 

"and your favorite also." he chuckled and swung an arm around my shoulders, kissed my forehead, "let's go!"

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