S U H O ; E X O

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suho's pov

"PEPERO DAY, FINALLY!" chanyeol's shout rang in my ears, which earned him a glare from me. "oops, sorry." then he ran away like a scared cat.

"what's with the mood in such occasion?" minseok's hand rest in my shoulder and sat beside me.

"he can't make himself do the pepero with y/n!" the members all laughed and i glared at all of them.

"shut the hell up, i'm really not in the mood." i retorted and rolled my eyes, doing the homework once again.

the school gave us a half day of free time since it was pepero day; and i can't see the point of giving up half a school day just for this thing.

"my brother!" chanyeol who ran away a while ago, came back panting. we were the only people left in the room since the others went with their partners.

yeah, we're all lonely.

"what?" all the ones, older than chanyeol, asked.

"i mean.. suho." he slyly smiled. "i saw that y/n's section will be having a pepero line up; who can choose who they want to participate in pepero day!"

"and? what do you want me to do?" i said nonchalantly, completely oblivious of what's to happen.

the members then eyed each other then started to work on me, dragging me to the room i tried avoiding the most.


you must be wondering, who the hell is y/n.

well, y/n is the school's angel. she might not be the prettiest, sexiest, or something you want in a girl you date.

y/n is just.. y/n. she's very positive, she always smiles, and she shines the most for me. i can risk anything for her. we only had our interactions as smiling at each other, but.. nothing more.

"stop it!" i said, seeing the sign "class 3-2" sign, resisting. 

"come on, don't be an ass." they finally put me down, and sehun snickering at me. "do you see those boys who're lining up outside?" i turned my head to the bunch of boys, patiently lining up. "they all pick y/n." chanyeol continued sehun's statement. i sighed and glared at chanyeol.

"how do you know that?" i raised my eyebrows, suspicious.

"i asked them awhile ago," chanyeol fold his arms over his chest, confident. i sighed for the nth time in defeat. i look sadly to the bunch of boys lining up once again.

"suho, its your time to shine," jongin said and slung his arm over sehun's. "its now or never, we leave you the choice." they all look at me patiently with smiles on their faces. 

"why do i have to deal with all of them.." i mumbled then walk towards the line. 

"good luck suho!" the members all shouted and cheered for me. i facepalmed, totally nervous and embarrassed at the same time.


it was finally my time, after waiting for minutes.

"who do you want to do it with?" the student boringly asked, and handed me a piece of paper.

indeed, i saw y/n's name full with names. i sighed and looked inside, to see y/n with a blindfold. 

i hesitantly wrote my surname.. and hurriedly wrote my full name since the student said that we'll be doing it with the student in a blindfold.

 "go in. here's your stick. it should be less than 3.5 cm for you and y/n to win." then she left.

i look at y/n, then unintentionally smiled. i tap her arm for warning, then she just opened her mouth slightly. 

i chuckled lightly at her, then sticking the pepero stick to the girl in front of me's mouth.

fuck fuck fuck, i'm--

i'm literally nervous, 

her lips is just an inch away from mine, shit.

i sighed and started to bite on the thin stick, nearing and nearing y/n's lips, furrowing my eyebrows as i hold the sides of the chair for assistance.


y/n's pov

i should've broke the stick by now, but having this person's warm breath in mine makes me feel butterflies.

could it be.. jun–

i cut off my own thoughts, then quickly darted my attention to the stick again.

as i was going to bite off the stick, 

i felt his soft, plump lips in mine. 


i widened my eyes behind the cloth covering it, 

then the sensation in my lips quickly dispersed.

hearing the sound of the door opening, i shook my head and released the cloth that was covering my eyes for a while. 

i saw yujin with widened eyes, looking at me.

"he.. just.. kissed you." my best friend stuttered, while pointing at the door. i stood up, feeling everything bursting and firing fireworks. 

i think its him.

i hope its him.

"he.. left nothing.. in the stick.. and kissed you!!" the girl squealed. 

"who did?" i shook her shoulders, warming up to run after the boy i hope who was.

"suho did! kim junmyeon did!!" she pushed me and i quickly sprinted off the door, to see junmyeon massaging his temples. the hallway was way too long and he was in the other end.

i stopped in front of him, panting and red.

"y/n..?" he said, turning a little pink.

i wasted no time and kissed him, hugging his neck. after a few seconds of realizing of what was happening, he finally kissed back and rest his hands on my waist.

as we broke the kiss but still was in the same position, our foreheads touching, he asked,

"so how many babies do you want?" 

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